Notes from the Author

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Notes from the Author

First of all, thank you so much for reading Contact. Contact is the first novel that I have completed, but it will not be the last. I posted the first chapter on Contact in January of 2014, and now a little over a year and a half later, the first draft is complete.

Almost this complete novel was written on my half an hour lunch breaks at work. It was a scramble each day to write as much as I could, while also shoving a sandwich down my throat. Hopefully that explains the lack of proofreading and editing of each chapter.

My goal was to upload a chapter every week, but life often got in the way. Over the past year and a half I had two significant life events that happened within a few weeks of each other. First was the sudden and tragic death of my uncle, whom I was very close to. The second was the birth of my son (my second child). With each event I had to struggle to find the time, or even the desire to write. After struggling for a few weeks I made the decision to take a break from writing Contact. A month later I was back and hitting my weekly goal once again.

Somehow, I was able to get past those events as well as the everyday distractions and I finished it. It's far from perfect, but maybe someday it will be worthy of publication.

In it's current state Contact has 119,000 words.

For those who were wondering, yes, I do have plans and a basic outline for a second book. But, with all the stories that I want to write the earliest that I would start writing the second book would probably be close to two years away.

If you have any questions concerning Contact, ask and I will do my best to answer them.

Now, I want to ask a big favor of you. You have taken the time to read Contact; I want to know what you thought. I want to know what you liked, what you disliked. What characters stood out to you, and which ones didn't work. I know there are a few major plot holes, but you may know a few that I missed. Please use as much detail as you have time for when making these comments.

I don't need to be told again that my proof reading skills are lacking. I am a storyteller, not an editor.

Now that I got that out of the way, I would once again like to say THANK YOU very much for completing this journey with me. Without the attention Contact received, it would have been hard to stay motivated to finish it.

Thank You,

Nathan S. Little

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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