Part 8

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The party tracked their bikes along the train track, Eleven and Mike leading the team whilst Lucas, Nezuko and Dustin followed behind not too far away, though Nezuko trailed a little bit behind because she couldn't see where she was going with the...

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The party tracked their bikes along the train track, Eleven and Mike leading the team whilst Lucas, Nezuko and Dustin followed behind not too far away, though Nezuko trailed a little bit behind because she couldn't see where she was going with the blanket over her head.

Lucas shook his head disapprovingly at Mike explaining what a mouth breather was to Eleven next to him, and turned back to the lump of blanket still struggling to keep up.

"Come on Nezuko..." he whined tiredly, as Nezuko quickened her pace, resulting in her tripping over the blanket and falling to the cobbled ground.


At Dustin and Lucas's shout, Mike and Eleven snapped around to see the blanket on the rough surface.

"Nezuko!" Mike rushed over, Eleven by his side and reaching under the blanket to check if she was okay, forgetting about her sun problem. "Are you-" 

He paused when Nezuko's arm and cheek hissed, slowly burning. 

Mike abruptly dropped the blanket and Dustin glared at him outraged.

Dustin: "Dude!"

Mike: "I am so sorry Nezuko!"

Dustin: "Are you trying to kill her?"

"What, no of course not!" Mike looked back at his toothless friend in disbelief. "What are you even saying?"

"Mike..." Eleven tugged his sleeve cautiously.

"What?" Mike's head snapped to her and yelled in the heat of the moment, but calmed down to see her pointing to the blanket on the ground as Nezuko shuffled underneath it.

The blanket bump jerked up (Idk how else to describe this, so please just bear with me😅), which told everyone that Nezuko was standing.

"Hmm!" she hummed happily, her hum muffled under the blanket signalling that she was okay.

"A-are you sure Nezuko?" Mike asked cautiously, rubbing his injured chin. "We don't want you to graze yourself..."

Nezuko in Stranger ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now