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THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO igenumah1 , for your wonderful votes and support.


I dropped her off at the entrance gate of her house, didn't want any drama from her parents. The way she talks about them makes it sound like they are strict. Good thing she insisted I should stop her here.

Her parents are like really rich...and I'm not talking about just rich, like stinky rich...way richer than my parents.

I wonder why she isn't a spoilt brat like others with such abundant wealth.

"Thanks so much for the ride," she said with a smile.

"You're welcome, what are friends for," I said with a smile before the most unexpected thing happened... She hugged me and then exited the car.

Ok guys, Don't be dirty-minded. You guys were expecting a kiss on the lips or the cheek but it didn't happen. Sorry guys, but I'm disappointed as you are.

"See you on Monday," she said before entering the compound or will I say mansion.

So far today has been a blast...


Later in the evening...

In the dining room

"I've told you before Ed Sheeran sings better than Justin Bieber" I argued.

"It's like your tympanum is damaged, have you listened to JB's songs? They are beautiful" Esosa said with dreamy eyes then I snorted.

"More like his face" I muttered

"Efosa sorry to burst your bubble but you have bad taste in music," she said.

"Enough!!!" Mum yelled.

"Let's settle this with a game we'll share ourselves into two groups Efosa being the group leader of group A and Esosa being the group leader of B. How's that?" Aunt Linda suggested

"That would be better," I said with a smirk

"I think so, but the question is whose partaking in this game?" Esosa asked

"Me of course and your uncle," Aunt Linda said while Uncle Osas chokes on his food.

"I'm not playing I don't know a lot about music," Uncle Osas said after drinking a glass of water

"Anyways, I'll be in Efosa's group," Aunt Linda said completely ignoring her husband's statement.

"High five Aunt Linda," I said while giving her a high five.

"So that means I'm stuck with Uncle Osas huh?" Esosa said with a frown.

" Exactly," I said with a smirk while she glares at me.

" Hey!!! What's wrong with being in the same group as me?" Uncle Osas asked while we all became silent.

" So... We'll be the judges of this game," Mum said after a long silence. Just then Dad walked away because he had to make a phone call.

"Correction I'll be the judge of the game" Mum corrected.

"Let the games begin!!! You guys are so going down" Esosa yelled at the top of her lungs. Forgetting
we are in the dining room.

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