Chapter 1 In The Past

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Once upon a time there was a girl named Rosemary. Rosemary was about 10 years old at the time when it happened. What happened to Rosemary and her friends you ask well, first she had her best friend Matthew, they knew each other from childhood. Rosemary's two other friends Kaylee and Tom. Tom was Matthews older brother from a not so nice family. Their dad was good friends with Rosemary's dad, they were best of friends and after a bit when she (Rosemary) was 10 years old she had to kill her mother (Rosemary and her mom were witches). Rosemary was called the Cosmic witch after her mom died. Matthew and Rosemary went into hiding from their fathers' assassin business. After 5 years of living with each other Matthew had to move out and go back to live with his mother. Two years later (so they were both 17 years old) she had to go to a school that her grandfather ran, little did she know she was about to meet an old friend again

The Past of Rosemary /Destiny Will Come part one Where stories live. Discover now