Chapter 14 The Abandoned house

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Early in the morning Matthew left the house with out talking to Tom or Kaylee. They were very confused of where he was going and why he didn't say anything about it. As he started his journey he started to write in a journal about what he was feeling and doing. The first day he wrote something like this. Day One of finding Rosemary
I woke up really early in the morning to sneak out but Tom and Kaylee were in the living room watching a movie so I didn't say anything and just walked out the door. They looked very confused. I packed some food, a compress and the old photo of me and Rosemary at the Abandoned house. When I got there I heard someone screaming. I known it had to Rosemary because who else would be there. I ran behind a tree to hide because one of the twins were guarding the house. When I was looking pass the tree Tom and Kaylee snuck up behind me. I jumped a little and said why are you two here? We wanted to see where you were going. Kaylee said. Well, She is in there and I heard her scream. How are going to get in? Tom asked. We made a plan and started to get into position. I was behind the tree still, Tom went behind the building and Kaylee ran up to the twin and this is what she said. Hey, I lost can you help me find my way home? Well hello pretty girl, yes I can help you please come in! He said, she looked back at me before going in side. Me and Tom went in after 10 minutes Kaylee went it. We saw Kaylee talking to the twin. They snuck to the downstairs and started to look around. I found a room that had a metal door. The other twin saw Tom and started to attack him. I got to the door and unlocked it. When I did, I saw Rosemary strapped to a hospital bed with needles going into her arms. I ran up to her and unstrapped her from the bed. She was in pain and couldn't stand on her own, when she try to stand up she passed out. I caught her before she hit the floor. I picked her up and started to walk out. When I did I saw Tom knocked out the twin and we went to get Kaylee. When we walked into the room we saw blood all over the furniture and the floor. Kaylee walked out of the house while we were straight up gaslit if what she did. We ran out of the house and Tom asked what she did. Don't worried I didn't kill him i just knocked he out hard. She said with a happy experience on he face. We all got back to the house and I layed Rosemary down on her bed and waited into she woke up.

The Past of Rosemary /Destiny Will Come part one Where stories live. Discover now