Chapter 19 Evil in the school

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Megan look out at what Ella was looking at. They both walked up to a wall that had writing in blood all over it. It said this
The Goldhearts will not be next to no one
Do you think this was Emerald? Megan asked Ella. Who else would it be? Ella said scared for her life. They just stood there looking up at it went the Grande principle and all the teachers came running down the hall and behind them were some very confused students. Who did this? One of the English teachers said. Did you two do this? The Grande principles assistant said. No they did not do this! The Grande principle said While looking up at the wall. The blood isn't wet. Well who did it then? The assistant said very accusatory. I don't know, all the regather please try and cover this up, you two come with me. The Grande principle said. The Grande principle started to walk down the hall while Ella and Megan was close behind him. They got to his office, he sat down and his desk and said to sit down both of you. Are we in trouble? Megan asked. Centrally not, I just want to ask you guys some questions, first what were you don't outside you dorm after dark? Megan and Ella just look at each other with fear in their eyes.

The Past of Rosemary /Destiny Will Come part one Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum