Chapter 6 The Missing 4

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Back with Matthew, Tom and Kaylee. when they were walking Matthew was quiet the whole time regretting leaving Rosemary. When they found Rosemary's safe house Matthew remember it from his childhood with Rosemary, when they lived together. They got into the house, he showed where Tom and Kaylee rooms were and than started to unpack in his old room. It was about 6:30 and Tom and Kaylee went to a store for food. Matthew waited for Rosemary to come back. It was 7:15 and he started to get  worried of where Rosemary could be. At 8:05 she walked in to the house and Matthew ran to her a hugged her. Where were you, your late! He said while hugging her. Killer I can't breath. She said out of breath. When he finally let her go she said I was with someone. Who he spat out. No one she said quietly. Who, Rosemary, who were you with? he said (Matthew was always over protective about Rosemary). She ignored the question then walked past him. He was very annoyed because she was late. He didn't see her the rest of the night.

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