Eyes, jealousy, and a bad day

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Trigger warning, bullying, mention of weight and body shaming, eating disorder, and homophopic slurs if this upsets you please skip the parts in **

Lyrics that inspired this chapter "But I watch your eyes as she walks by what a sight for sore eyes brighter than the blue sky she's got you mesmerized while I die"

Harry's POV

It was now lunch and it couldn't have come faster, Mrs. Brexter was a pain this morning giving us more than enough English homework in my opinion, and I was even good in English, and I love Shakespeare! 

As Niall and I head to the lunch room he doesn't stop bugging me about when I'm going to ask Louis out, "C'mon Harry just tell me already how you gonna do it, pleaseeeeee?" Niall begs me with his big puppy dog eyes! "Fine, I was gonna ask him after watching his footie practice this afternoon, I even got him a chain bracelet!" I sigh and Niall basically is bouncing off the walls in excitement!

He basically drags me to the cafeteria grumbling about being starving the whole way there. As we go to enter the cafeteria Niall let's go of me and heads in and I go to follow until someone yanks my arm hard and pulls me into a different hallway.

⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️ 

*"Hey f*g where the fuck do you think your going?" Jack asks as him, Ben, and Brad back me up against the wall, I freeze scared because these guys terrorize me every second they get. "N-Nothing just getting lunch." I whimper as Jack grabs my jaw and makes me look at him. "Why the fuck do you think you need to eat, your fat and disgusting and with your stupid skirts no one will ever love you!" He yells in my face, and lands a punch to my gut, winding me soon the other 2 join in on beating me up until I am bloodied and bruised and they go off to lunch leaving me crumpled in a ball, whimpering to myself.*

I drag myself to the nurse's office, Louis and Niall soon running in after I texted them. Louis was the first to run over to my side and catching a glimpse of how hurt I was his eyes immediately filled with anger looking anywhere but my face. I grab his hand and his eyes shoot up to meet mine and I gasp when I see that he's crying,"I'm so, so sorry that I wasn't there to protect you Haz, so so sorry!"

He keeps mumbling about how sorry he is until I grab his hand again and he looks back up at me, "Hey it's fine really I'm okay, well I will be" Lou still looks worried but before he can say anything Niall runs over and squeezes me in a tight hug but careful around my injuries. Niall pulls back and he and Lou share a look before turning to face me. "Who did it," Niall asks in a low, serious voice, much different from his usual light and playful mood. I look away from them, not looking in their eyes.


*The truth is that the bullying had been going on for a while but I didn't say anything because I felt I would just be a burden, and with it being cold and me in long sleeves no one noticed, plus Jack had never gone to this extent before. No one noticed how I always, even on the warmer days, wore long sleeves to hide the bruises and cuts. No one noticed how little I ate at meals. No one noticed how my body seemed to shrink because of the jackets and sweaters. No one noticed how I would run to the bathroom after each meal. No one noticed that I wanted to die most of the time. Well I think Zayn, the quiet boy I work with at the bakery seems to be catching on to the fact that everytime my mom feeds me a bite of a new dessert, I run to the bathroom, but he can't know, no one can.* End of Trigger warning

"I-i can't tell you now, but I promise, soon I will just please drop it for now, please!" The boys share a glance and then drop the topic, staying with me until their next class. The nurse makes me stay there until the end of the day. When the final bell rings Niall and Louis appear at my side, helping me to the doors. Niall says bye before heading off to find his mum's car but his spot next to me is quickly replaced by Liam as the 3 of us walk over to the footie field.

I always stay to watch Lou practice and today was finally the day I was going to ask him out, after he finished practice. I watch his whole practice, before he and the rest of the team run into the changing room when Louis dismisses them since he is the captain. I am shaking with nerves, standing on the edge on top of the locker rooms when I see Jack and his group with Eleanor walking along with them. I squint my eyes in confusion as they all stand outside the locker rooms, waiting for someone, until I hear their conversation and my heart drops.

"So Eleanor finally gonna ask out Louis aye?" "Oh shut up Jack I know he'll say yes, he's been dropping hints about how he likes me all year!" "Fine ask him now then Eleanor, here he comes." I start hyperventilating as Louis walks closer to Eleanor wanting to know what they were talking about. "Well Louis I was wondering, if you wanted to go out with me?" My heart races and I sit there for what seems like 5 hours but is only 5 seconds until Lou answers, "Oh, um yeah I'd love to!" He says and I peak over the edge watching how his perfect blue eyes that I have gotten lost in so many times sparkle at the thought and I a little piece of me dies inside, wishing that it was me they were looking at, wishing it was me he was answering not her. I feel like screaming but I can't. All I can hear is my heart in my ears as I stumble home, broken."

An: So if you didn't notice I was inspired by one scene in heartstopper, which I do not own, I was just inspired by that scene and turned a bit of it into my own. I am a huge heartstopper fan and thought it would work well, thanks for reading love you all💚💙💚💙💚💙

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