A memory and a kiss

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A memory and a kiss
Louis' POV
Lyrics, "You could never kiss me, when I don't know who I should be, I gave her my sweater. It's just polyester, but you wear it better, I wish you were Heather."

*flashback 1 year earlier*

Fookn' finally it was time for Niller's Party and I was pumped, I still had these swirling feeling in the pit of my stomach, so I figured a good drink would help. I got a cab and headed over to Niall's house being greeted by a full swing party with people already spread out on the lawn.

I head inside and immediately see Niall flirting with a girl I didn't recognize but as soon as he sees me he walks over and throws an arm over my shoulder and leads me to the beer. I scoff, "jeez Nialler is it that obvious that I need a drink," He just laughs and pulls me towards the kitchen where the drinks are. He quickly grabs me a beer and something in a cup that I'm not sure what it is but I don't really care.

I dance a little bit before going to try to find Niall and at this point I'm completely piss drunk. Niall sees me stumbling and calls me over to play beer pong with him, Nick, and I think Niall said his name was Zayn. After Niall introduces me to Zayn he can't stop looking at me with an almost disappointed face all night, but I can't really tell. I'm stumbling and laughing while playing, but I can feel a pair of eyes on me the entire time we play.

I turn and my breath gets caught in my throat when I see Hazza in a tight little black skirt and shirt as he stares off into the distance. (Picture above) I stumble over to the couch and Harry doesn't seem to notice till I speak up "He-heyyyy," I see him turn slowly to face me,

"WWWWhy are you all by yourself Hazza?" I say accidentally drawing out the W in why. He lets out a giggle and I pout, why is he laughing at me? "I just don't really like parties too much." He replies I think but I was too caught up in how pretty my Hazza looked."You're so pretty Hazza, so so pretty."

I mumble while running my hands through his hair, pulling him to sit on my lap while still mumbling how pretty he looked. "L-Lou w-what are you doing?" He manages to stutter out, but I just lean in till our foreheads touch, staring into his emerald eyes.

I lean in and slowly connect our lips savoring the feeling, my eyes fluttering closed trying to capture every second with him, before opening wanting to scan every inch of his face as we shared this intimate moment, but all too quickly the kiss ends, and Harry looks up at me with tears streaming down his face. He says something to me that I can't remember before running off. I try to chase after him but I can't even stand without stumbling and his form quickly fades.

End flashback

I wish I could remember what he said, and any more from that night, but even after he left I stayed and drank away sorrows, knowing Harry couldn't kiss me when I didn't even know who I should be.

Now I have Eleanor and I should be happy, but I can't bring myself to be. Earlier Eleanor asked for my sweater, but I was saving one for Harry so I grabbed my extra polyester sweater from my locker to give her but I can't help but realize how much better H looks in my sweaters.

After school I wait for Eleanor outside. She comes outside and immediately begins making out with me. I try to push her off but she just kisses me harder, and from the corner of my eye I can see Harry running off. As Eleanor kisses me all I can think about is how fookn' much I wish she were him.

Sorry I took so long loves, I've had a lot of work on school and huge writers block, but I keep writing even if it's just a little bit for all of you❤️ hope your life is going okay, and if ots not feel free to private message me here! Again so sorry, but in other news can't wait for Louis' album and silver tongues!!!!! Love you all❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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