Lies and Hidden Truths

32 5 16

Lyrics inspiring this chapter:
"But you watch my eyes as she walks by, sure she's pretty, I lie, use her as a disguise you're the one I like. I wanna die."

Louis' POV
This morning just seemed to drag on forever, probably because I didn't have any classes with Harry, and this girl, Eleanor kept flirting with me. But on another note, Harry is wearing my sweater again today with his leggings and skirt and he looks so cuddly. Liam walks up to me and swings his arm around my shoulder as we walk to lunch. When we get there I immediately start looking around for Harry and Niall, not seeing them I start to panic until I see Niall walk in.

But my heart only calms for a moment until I see Niall walk in with no Harry trailing behind like always and the panic surges up in my chest again glancing anxiously towards the door and waiting for the familiar mop of curls to walk in, but he never does.

I start pacing around worried out of my mind, my thoughts going back to the day when Harry got splashed and I am just picturing the worst. I can sort of hear Liam trying to talk to me in the background but all I can think about is Harry, he fills my mind, my head filling with blossoming thoughts of his bright green eyes, his huge smile that always brought out his dimples, his smell of vanilla and grapefruit, his sweater paws and cheerful mood, and mostly just him.

I run over to Niall and he looks concerned, probably because I look so panicked, "Niall where's Harry?" He looks confused and turns around and then starts freaking out when he realizes that Harry is no longer behind him. Niall and I run through the school trying to find Harry and each moment I can't find him the panic sets in worse.

When my phone starts buzzing and I see Hazza💚🌹 pop up on the screen my panic settles only for a moment until I see the text telling me to meet him in the nurse's office, and I go running down the halls, skidding to a stop in front of the doors, Niall soon coming to a stop right next to me.

I take a deep breath and as I walk in my breath hitches in my throat when I see how badly broken my curly-headed boy is. Anger floods through me but I push that aside and sit down beside Haz and take his hand, "I'm so, so sorry that I wasn't there to protect you Haz, so so sorry!"

I keep mumbling broken apologies until he grabs my other hand. I look up into his bright green eyes, and I notice just how much pain lies behind the surface of the love of my life. Before I can say anything Harry speaks up, "Hey it's fine, really I'm okay, well I will be"

I realize how truly strong Harry is in that moment, after being beaten up so hard, he still is only worried about me worrying over him. Niall then runs over and squeezes Harry in a hug before he speaks up in the calmest voice I have ever heard the leprechaun use, "Who. Did. It?" Harry avoids looking at us and instead starts fiddling with his hand in his lap, deciding that they are much more interesting instead.

"I-i can't tell you now, but I promise, soon I will just please drop it for now, please!" Harry manages to stutter out and Niall and I share a quick glance deciding to drop the topic, for now.

When the next bell rings the nurse makes us leave and tells us we can come get Harry at the end of the day. When we come back to pick up Harry, Niall and I walk on either side of him to be there for him, both emotionally and physically if he needs more than just me to lean on.

I help Harry out to the parking lot and Niall heads off to find his mum's car, and not long after Liam takes his place as we all head over to the footie field. As Harry stares at the field as we walk over Liam and I make eye contact behind his back and he raises his eyebrows wondering what happened to the poor boy, I shake my head meaning to tell him later.

Hazza takes a seat in the stands and I take control of the practice we do stretches and then begin, and the entire practice I can feel a pair of eyes glued to me back. I finally let the boys go and we all ran into the locker rooms to change. "So," Liam asks approaching me, "What happened to H?" I sigh before telling him all that Hazza told me and his expression goes from concern to pissed. "I know, I know I don't like it either but I didn't want to pressure him into telling me today."

We finish changing and before we walk out one of the younger boys on the footie team approaches me and Payno. "Hey Louis, you like Eleanor right?" He asks and I'm baffled but manage to stutter out, "S-sure she's pretty," I lie knowing full well Harry is the one I like, "Well a little birdie told me that she is gonna ask you out today!" I try to fake a smile but it comes out as more of a grimace.

I hope he's wrong I think to myself and then I see her infant of me and my heart drops, then I see Hazza watching as she walks by. His eyes full of hurt. I ask Eleanor what she was doing here even though u already knew the answer. "Well Louis I was wondering, if you wanted to go out with me?" I panic, if I say no then everyone will wonder why, but if I say yes then I will hurt Harry, but he doesn't even like me right?.....Right?

"Oh, um yeah I'd love to!" I finally answered, using her as a disguise, I watched Harry go running and a stabbing pain ran through my heart knowing Harry was truly the one I like, I wanna die.

Sorry this took so long loves I was trying really hard but I was dumped by my Partner after almost a month of dating because now they says they're straight, and that is totally fine with me but then last night at homecoming I had to comfort them over a boy they liked and it took everything in me not to cry because I really liked them, and the entire time we dated they basically ignored me and my brother's dad just straight up took him because he has full custody so he just straight up basically legally kidnapped him and I might have to go to court and my entire friend group is falling apart so I don't have anyone to tell this to because I don't want to worry them with my problems and also because no one will listen and I just am so tired, so so fucking tired.

Love you all sorry for ranting, and I'll try to update sooner, so sorry again hope you have a great week💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙

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