The Past of Us

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Chapter 4 

Lyrics inspiring this chapter: "Watch as she stands with her, holding your hand Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder. But how could I hate her? She's such an angel. But then again, kinda wish she were dead."

⚠️slight talk of eating disorder⚠️

Harry's POV

It's a Friday night, the 8th, and I am currently at work for the next 3 hours, and I would say it's hard, but Zayn is here to keep me company and from getting completely overwhelmed. "Hey Harry, you okay, have you eaten today?" I sigh, this is a question Zayn often asks. While I've only had yogurt, it's a step up from just celery at lunchtime. "Yeah, Zayn, I don't worry, why do you wanna take me out?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows trying to get the attention off food and it works.

End of Trigger warning 

Zayn snorts and covers his mouth and I laugh with him. He knows very well the huge crush I have on Louis and has often comforted me in times when I thought I just couldn't take rejection from Louis again. 

Just then the bell rings in the moderately empty bakery and my heart drops to my chest. The sound fades around me as I watch Louis through his head back and let out a laugh, but it all feels wrong. He should be walking in with me. He should be laughing with me. He should be looking at me like he does her. He should be loving me. 

I turn as he walks in and over to the counter holding Eleanor's hand. Zayn stiffens and walks over to the register as I go towards the back. I turn and catch a glance of Louis slipping his arm over Eleanor's shoulder and I feel a shiver run up my spine.

After 2 hours of having to put up with the Hell that was watching Louis and Eleanor on their date, a realization hit me. If Louis was happy why should I be upset, why should I care, I should move on right? Right? I laugh at myself with pity as tears start rolling down my cheeks as I sprint out the door so as to not be seen by the love of my life.

With tears streaming down my face I run to the only place that holds any comfort to me when I'm feeling like this, the playground where I first met him. We were children and I had just moved to Doncaster because of my mom's job as a nurse and I was only seven when my mother took me here one afternoon and immediately I went over to the playground running around until I bumped into someone "Oops," I say and the little boy replies with a giggle, "hi!" Immediately Louis and I hit it off, playing for hours at the playground, and when we had to go our moms exchanged numbers so we could play again. That was the start of our long-lasting friendship. 

Slight trigger warning ⚠️ 

He comforted me, helped me come out, and helped me when I was bullied in primary school. I comforted him when he was not sure what he was ever going to do in his life and was there to celebrate with him last and this year when he was announced footie captain. I have seen Louis at his worst and best, and he has seen all of me. I gave him my heart and he didn't even realize it. He doesn't know that my heart is locked away and only he has the key. It is for him only, I've tried to forget but he has my love hostage. I run to the edge of the creek by the park and sit, clutching the chain bracelet I was going to give Lou when I was gonna ask him out tight in my hand. The sharp 17 charm digs into my palm and I laugh at how foolish I was thinking someone like him could ever love someone like me! As I feel the cold metal push into my palm a strange sense of calm floods over me. 

End Trigger warning

I stand and clip the 17 bracelet around my wrist, a torturous reminder of what I can't have, that I got Lou a bracelet with his lucky number but he still chose her over me. Wiping my tears away, I start to walk back home, turning and glancing one last time at the playground behind me as the sun sets on the place of my past.


I wake up the next morning and sigh remembering that it was finally Saturday and pull the covers up over my eyes drifting back off to sleep until someone comes barging into my room and I jump in shock until I realize it's just Liam. "Liam mate you scared me!" He just chuckles and yanks the covers off me and I jump. "C'mon Harry get ready, we're going to the movies today, remember?" I groan wondering why he would get me up so early to see the movie which was at 1 but then I see that it's already noon. I roll out of bed and walk to my closet grabbing one of my favorite outfits, a red skirt with a white cropped long sleeve shirt that says 'but daddy I love him,' and pair it with white knee-length socks and pair it with my red jacket.

 I roll out of bed and walk to my closet grabbing one of my favorite outfits, a red skirt with a white cropped long sleeve shirt that says 'but daddy I love him,' and pair it with white knee-length socks and pair it with my red jacket

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(Just imagine that the white shirt is long sleeve.)

Liam and I head out and we drive to the movies where we meet Niall and the boys buy themselves popcorn and we head in

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Liam and I head out and we drive to the movies where we meet Niall and the boys buy themselves popcorn and we head in. We sit down and soon the theater starts to fill up and I feel a lump in my throat as I realize who's sitting in front of us, Louis and Eleanor, of course! As everyone is getting settled a little old woman leaves her seat that was next to Louis and walks over to Eleanor. " Excuse me, sorry darling I was just wondering if you would mind switching with me so I could sit next to my husband, there were no more open seats?" Eleanor immediately gets up and switches so she is on the other side of Louis. She kind, and beautiful of course Louis wants her. I'm distracted during the whole movie, I snuggle into Liam's side and he wraps his arm around me and I almost cry with one thought on my mind, why do I hate her so much, she's such an angle but then again I wish it was me up there with Louis. How could I hate her but then again kinda wish she lived somewhere else.

An: Hey I hope you enjoyed this chapter  I didn't have Harry say that he wished Eleanor was dead because I don't think Harry would ever think that. Once again love all of you thank you so much for reading!!💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚

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