Walk And Talk

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Vance and i are now walking side by side to my house, you're probably wondering why. After the game Vance walked up to me and said "Hey! Hey! Hey i'm talking to you!", i was extremely confused on why he was talking to me.

I turned around and said "Okay.. What?". I heard him mumbling words i couldn't hear "Hey, Vance, speak up." He looked at me and said "Are you like.. not scared of me?" He looked like he was embarrassed, and honestly it was hilarious.

I laughed and said "Yeah, i don't know why people are scared of you honestly, you seem like a cool person." He looked at me like i was insane. He said "Oh, well bye." I looked him up and down as he walked away. God he's beautiful, and the way he walk- WAIT WAIT.. IM NOT FALLING FOR VANCE HOPPER, RIGHT?

Before he could get any further i asked if he wanted to walk home with me. He just stared at me and nodded slowly. I smiled and said "Come on then!" He looked at me and started walking towards me.

We were walking in complete silence, until Vance spoke up. "Hey.. Bruce..?" I looked at him and thought, 'Why is he being so shy, he didn't look shy earlier.

"Yeah?" Vance was now looking at his shoes. "Why are you talking to me?" My smile faded. "Well why not? Is it like against the law to talk to you?" He laughs quietly and looks at me "I don't know.. It's just if you get caught being friends with me... uh.. you'll get called some really hurtful stuff."

"Friends?" His eyes widen after realizing what he just said. "Oh my gosh. I am so-" He stops himself and looks at me then looks around. "Oh this is my house!" Vance looks at my house and says "Oh okay we'll see ya around" I nod quickly and walk inside my house.

I walk up to my room and grab my phone from my charger. I see that there's a new notification from instagram that reads 'vancehopper1489 has followed you'. I smiled brightly as i read that.

I followed him back after a few minutes of stalking his page, that was mostly his fights but some of his pinball score. I turned off my phone and sat on my bed smiling. Before i fell asleep i got a message.

vancehopper1489: hey you awake?

I smiled and texted back.

BaseballBruce15: yeah

We texted until we both got tired. I fell asleep thinking about him. I still can't believe i'm falling for Vance Hopper.

okay soooo what do we think abt this one..? me personally, i like it, but that's just me. THEY WILL ALL HAVE A GROUP CHAT SOON. VERY SORRY ITS SHORT BUT ANOTHER PART WILK EITHER BE TOMORROW OR SOON DEPENDING ON IF I GET TIRED //484 words

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