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So, I saw someone just started to like my very "short" stories, Tho I just makes one for fun... Coz, Why not? And I'll probably just delete all of this or discontinue this if I don't have time for it already. I really appreciate someone could even discover this...But yeahh.. Let's get in to the story now.. And one more thing, Please, Please, Please bear with me, I'm not used to writing long stories so I decided to make a one-shot.. And the stories in here are the ones I wanna see but can't seem to find one.

Shinobu Kochou's POV

"It was a nice day today, I'VE GOT MY SALARY!!" I said as I walked through a long, dark, and quiet alley.

A/N: You know where this is getting already😆😉😏

"Give me your purse and bag" A stranger said

"This is why no one likes you!" I don't know why did I say that but.. It's like my brain and mouth worked together by themselves, And I got this nostalgic feeling.. But what is it?

"Do I know you?" The 'robber' asked

"No, I don't even know you myself" I answered honestly

"Then why did yo-" I cut him

"I don't know, My brain and mouth talked by itself... I can also feel familiar with you.. Do you?" I said

"Well yeah, And I don't know why........" He answered

"Hmmmmmmmmmm" We both hummed..

"Can you show your face, Maybe I really do know you?" I started

"Sure. But don't you dare report me..." He said worriedly

"Yeah yeah, And don't worry I don't have my phone today 'cause I left it at home" I hope he believes it, But I really won't report him anyways..

"Okay.." He replied

He removed his mask and I can clearly see him even without light 'cause I have flashlight.. He' s so.. Handsome.. And cold-looking... He's quite cute too... "You're........ So handsome...." DID I SAID THAT OUT LOUD!? I HOPE HE DIDN'T HEARD IT!!!

"W-What?" He asked

"N-Nothing!!" I said flustered

"I heard it anyways.." He said

"W-WHAT!?" I stuttered

"N-Nothing!!" He replied mockingly

"Why you!" I said, He took out a gun and pointed it at me.

"Try and you'll die" He said, I can feel he's stopping himself to laugh out loud.. And I just pouted at my place.. He pulled the trigger and shoot

It was fake!! It shoots a stick with a paper glued in it saying "BANG!!!" He laughed out loud and I slowly opened my left eye..

"WHY YOU!?" I said angrily and a vein popped in my temple..

"But you did fall for it!! And your face is hilarious!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" He wipes little tears in his eyes "I'm just scaring people here... I'm not a real robber"

"Why you-!" I pouted

"Now I know why it feels like you're so familiar..." He stated


"You're the one I "comforted" once when I was just a kid"

Giyuu Tomioka's POV

I lost nee-san!! please help me Lord.. Oh wait... It seems like that girl also got lost, And she's crying..... I remember sister once said 'If you saw someone crying... especially girls... You should comfort her or at least help her... You shouldn't make girls cry.. You should make them happy or you should send help if there's a problem! Promise me Giyuu... You'll respect girls... You should never make fun of them or make them sad in any possible way..!' and I replied with a 'Yes nee-san!'...

"Hello there!" I greeted her

"Who are you to talk to me!? Do I know you!? Why are you smiling like an idiot!?" She has quite an attitude... I should just comfort her... maybe because she's scared.... I hugged her

"Are you stupid!? GET OFF ME!!" She yelled at my ear... flustered

"Sorry, I'm not a pervert that hits on girls... I just thought that a hug would comfort you..."

"Stop!, Ok I understand now... It did comfort me.. But don't hug girls casually... If you see me again you should hug me again too!" She replied

"What's you name? Can we be friends?" I asked

"We're already friends, idiot.. My name's Shinobu Kocho, And I lost my sister"

"And I'm Giyuu Tomioka"

"Ok Giyuu... You should never hit on other girls get it?"

"Oh.. Is it because you'll get jealous?" I teased her

"N-no, Of course not you idiot!!"

"Well then.......... Shinobu? Let's find yours' and my sister.." I hold her hand

"You lost your sister too?"

"Yeah... haha"

"Then let's go!" She grip my hand hard


"You deserve it for being an idiot!"

We both found our sisters in the same flower shop... They both teased us but we just shrugged...

-Flashback ends-

"Oh so you're that idiot, Giyuu Tomioka?" She asked

"Yes, I am, Miss 'Ok Giyuu... You should never hit on other girls, get it?'..."

"Shut up!!" She said, flustered

It's such a nice day, I get to see my crush again - Shinobu's Thoughts
It's nice to see you again, Shinobu...... - Giyuu's Thoughts


So how was it.. I was laughing while thinking about what to write... And I decided to make a funny chapter, Well, For me it's funny.. I don't know about you guys... Hope you liked it! BYEEEEEEEEEE!!

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