Meeting Parents

311 11 2

Alive Kanae and Tsutako AU // Modern AU
11:56 pm // 2|18|23 [February 18, 2023]
25% Battery (lol)

A normal moring of sunday, Shinobu heard her phone ding she looked at the time and saw it's just 8am with messages following from his boyfriend Giyuu.

My loner:
Hey.. I uhh, Ok phew, is your
offer still available? About
uhh meeting your parents?

My loner:
Heyyy, wake up!

My loner:
Wake up already, heyy

Graceful mosquito:
Yeah yeah I'm awake already,
I just woke up btw.

My loner:
Ohh, good, so is it still available?

Graceful mosquito:
Uhmm yeah of course, by the way,
regarding that, they're leaving this

My loner:
Ohh great, tell them I'll come
over today

Graceful mosquito:

She sat up on her bed and sighed before going to the bathroom and fixing her hair, as soon as she finished changing clothes she went downstairs and went to the kitchen, she saw her two sisters Kanae and Kanao sitting on the kitchen table eating breakfast with their parents, She sat up as well and ate, it was awkward until..

"Giyuu's coming over for lunch today" Shinobu just said casually, as if her parents are not strict about their boyfriends

"Oh oh, Sanemi's gonna come over too!" Kanae exclaimed

"E-ehh, Tanjiro is coming over too" Kanao said, flustered

4 hours later

At the door

Giyuu stood outside the Kocho resident's door as Sanemi argues with Tanjiro as he misheard Tanjiro saying 'Kanae' instead of 'Kanao', as soon as he calmed the two down

"What are you two doing here??" Asked Giyuu

"I came to meet Kanae's parents" Said Sanemi

"I came here to meet Kanao's parents" Answered confused Tanjiro in unison with Sanemi

"What? But I also came here to meet Shinobu's parents" He replied to the two bantering again as it made Sanemi angry that they spoke in unison "Nevermind" Giyuu sighed as he rung the doorbell

The three Kocho sisters soon opened it with a smile each, while they can see their parents with a glare also waiting for them

Andddd, that's it TwT I hate cliffhangers but here I am... If it has some mistakes then that's natural as I'm not feeling like myself today, and don't worry it's natural that it has mistakes cause I'm a big mistake lol,so yeah.. Bruhh this'll have part 2 btw, byeee


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