Better than any fantasy

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He carried her out of the shower, despite her protests, but the giggle she let out when he dropped her on his bed made not only Klaus's body jump to attention, but his heart did as well. Her laughter made his heart ache. He almost backed away. He loved her almost too damned much!

Elena sat up, reclining on her elbows, knees bent and she let her legs spread a bit, giving him a good view of her hidden treasures. The alcohol buzz had waned a bit and maybe she should be a tad shyer, but after Klaus had bathed every inch of her, well, her reservations just didn't seem to want to kick in. She wanted his mouth or hands on her and reminding him of what and where he wanted to be seemed the surest way to achieve her goal.

"Little tease..." he growled, his eyes glued to her bare nether lips. They looked so soft, so wet and he was so-damned-hard.

Elena licked her finger and let it glide down her belly, inching it closer to her neatly trimmed triangle of curls that covered her mound. "Not teasing. I fully intend to put out," she replied with a smug sensuality that had Klaus's belly knotting up in lust.

Klaus's brain froze. Fuck him! He'd pictured this moment a thousand different times, in a thousand different ways, but all his fantasies combined hadn't prepared him for the reality. His eyes roamed over her, memorizing every detail of this scene for later when he was alone in this bed. This little scenario would provide him with more jack-off material than any porn movie or magazine he could purchase! She was glorious and he was tired of denying himself. He loved her-she may not have said she loved him back, but who was he kidding? He was in too deep already. She wanted this, he wanted this, what in the fuck was he waiting for?

What if she just wants you for the sex? His brain screamed it at him, but Klaus pushed it aside. While that thought made his stomach churn, he refused to listen. He loved her more than he'd ever loved any women. Elena was worth risking another heart break. As a matter of fact, she was worth risking everything for.

"I guess it's my turn to eat you up love..." he purred as he gripped her ankles, pulling her to the edge of his massive four poster bed. Since it was raised on a dais it was at the perfect waist high level for sex. He leaned forward, brushing the head of his cock along her slit. Her thighs fell open even more and she gasped, pressing forward as if to take him in. His jaw clenched tight. If he moved forward just another inch he'd be inside her...

Down boy! He mentally scolded his cock. This was Elena. The girl that'd driven him half nuts for over two years and even if it was a bit sadistically, Klaus wanted to play first. Give her a little of her own medicine after the way she tormented him downstairs.

"Klaus!" she gasped. "Please." She arched her hips in an attempt to get him inside her.

"Patience, sweetheart-I may not possess any virtues, but you do..." he smirked, and today patience is gonna be one of 'em," he teased.

Elena pouted and whined, but Klaus simply reached around her prone body to grab the whipped cream, fudge and cherries. He held them up for her to see. "Now...what was that about making you into a sundae...?" he said, his trademarked smirk stamped across his handsome face.

Elena didn't care if he was gloating. In the grand scheme of things, it simply didn't matter. She wanted him-no ifs-ands-or buts about it. She bucked her hips, offering her honey-pot up to his eager gaze and letting her thighs spread wide so he could look his fill. "Go for it. Get your revenge. Make me scream your name...I don't care...just touch me," she whimpered, very close to outright begging.

Despite his best attempts at staying aloof, Klaus was enthralled. The sight of those sweet, succulent, shaven lips drew him in like a moth to a flame. His mouth watered and he simply couldn't resist. He reached for the fudge and screwed off the lid, tossing it aside without a care as to where it landed before dipping his finger into the still warm chocolate. He pulled his finger out of the jar, smiling evilly at the nice, large dollop of hot fudge attached. "This is gonna be good," he murmured as he spread it across the smooth skin of her sweet little center.

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