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Shouyou Hinata

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Shouyou Hinata


"Didn't think I'd see this place so soon...."

"Shouyou, it's been five years. What's your definition of soon?"

I laughed with my mother as we gathered our suitcases from the luggage department.

"Well, it feels like time just flew by! I can't wait to see Dad and Natsu!"

"Shouyou! Isabella! Over here!"

That was Dad's voice. Mom was already rushing over to him before my eyes could even focus. When they did, though, I ran over as well and jumped on Natsu, who was, believe it or not, taller than me.

Only by a few inches, though!

"Natsu~ Your big brother's missed- Can you crouch a little? Thanks. Your big bro's missed you so much~!"

I held her tightly as she laughed loudly at my shenanigans. It's nice to be in the warmth of my family. I feel whole again.

"'Nii-Chan, you're gonna wrinkle my clothes, haha!"

"Oh, you'll be fine!"

"What, no sugar for me, Shou-Shou?"

Dad opened his arms out to me with a bright grin. Mom and I swapped places so I could hug Dad and she could love on Natsu.

"I missed you so much, Dad~! I was surprised when you said we could visit! You and Mom are usually so busy this time of year!"

"I know right?! Work's been crazy, but I couldn't go another second without seeing my favorite son and my stunningly beautiful wife!"

"Haha, I better be your favorite, seeing as I'm your only son!"

"Yeah, yeah, haha!"

His strong hands took me by the shoulders, and he held me away for a moment to press a hand gently onto my cheek to observe my features.

"Geez, I've really missed you so much. It seems like you get older and older every time I see you. And you're living on your own, now? I'm so proud of you~!"

He pulled me in for another hug, which I happily returned.

"It's about time you find someone, though, Shouyou! Are you really planning on working so hard the rest of your life?"

For some reason, Mom and Natsu looked over as if they were waiting for me to answer as well. I cleared my throat at the sudden attention drawn to me.

"I mean, I have a lot going for me, right now. The clinic's doing good, we have a lot of appointments and bookings for pets, and I feel like it'd be a waste to suddenly draw my attention away from it all. I want to stay focused on what matters before worrying about something as trivial a matter as love is, haha!"

They didn't laugh. I quickly shut my mouth and scratched at the back of my neck awkwardly. My parents have always been like this. It's not that they're unsupportive, but ever since I opened up my veterinarian clinic, they've just... been off.

They've always been set on my getting a husband or a wife or just someone, but I'm not ready for that commitment. I've never even met someone who I'm attracted to in that kind of way.

Plus, the last thing I need is someone getting in the way of my work life.

"Wouldn't you like to have someone to love, 'Nii-Chan?"

Natsu tipped her head to the side with an almost timid smile. I groaned.

"Not you, too, Natsu~ I thought you of all people would understand..!"

She laughed at my childish whining, but it was hollow. Mom clapped her hands and smiled brightly.

"Now, now, we shouldn't hound him just yet! We just got here, let's go have some fun!"

Uh... weird.


"But, you know..."

I looked up from my large bowl of ramen at my mom.

"It is time you settle down and find someone. You're such a diamond in the rough, surely someone's bound to be interested. I mean, he hasn't even seen you yet, and your father has already found you a good suitor-"


Mom shut up and glanced at Dad, who pursed his lips and twirled his noodles as if he wasn't the main subject of all this.

"Dad, what's Mom talking about? What do you mean suitor?"

"Well, it's... for work! I mean, Natsu here's already met him! Uh, tell Shouyou about what a nice guy he is, Natsu!"

Natsu choked on her water. It took her a minute to gather up the strength to speak.

"Yeah, uh, he's a good man! Just doesn't swing my way, if you know what I mean, haha! Oh, look, the waiter's here!"

The waiter arrived at our table, and all of us glued our eyes onto him as if he was the key to dissipating the awkward tension between us. Natsu took advantage of his presence and stood.

"What's that? Oh, yeah! You're in my... chemistry class, right? Yeah, I'll talk to you about the project! Let's go over there!"

"Huh? Uh, M-Ma'am, I'm workin-"

"I'll pay you double! Sorry, guys, I'll meet you at the house tonight!"

Natsu is more than capable of handling herself, and that waiter looks damn scrawny. I'll drop this, for the time being, even if his face was flushed red.

"I won't forgive you for this, Natsu!"

"Sorry, 'Nii-Chan!"

And, just like that, I was left alone with my parents, who were just as awkwarded out as me. I decided to break this tension before my anger built up anymore.

"You were planning on marrying me off to some sick pervert?"

"No, he's a really good guy! It's going to bind our two businesses into one, so we really need this, but, more importantly, we don't want you to die alone! All you ever care about is work!"

Mom silently scrapped at her plate as Dad spoke.

"For the business? That's not any better! Is that why you made time to see me after so long?! You've gotta be kidding me! I work because that's what makes me happy! How many times do I have to tell you this?!"

Dad slammed a hand on the table in frustration. I stood up, my chair scraping harshly against the tile of the restaurant.

"Shouyou, sit down!"

"Hell no! I'm done with this!"

Dad took a deep breath to calm down, and Mom soothed him with a hand on his back. The love that they have for each other, the power that comes with that, being able to calm someone down so easily... It's scary. Love is scary.

I don't want it.

"The meeting's tomorrow at 4 PM at the second house villa!" Dad called to me before I exited the restaurant.

"Great! I'll make sure not to show!"

I'm glad they made the doors slam-proof because I felt like I might have slammed it so hard the glass would have broken.


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