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Atsumu Miya

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Atsumu Miya


Morning ; 7:43 a.m

"The most messed up story I've read? Hmm, it has to be that fairytale where the princess is forced to marry the prince to keep the peace between the two kingdoms. Hmm, I forgot what it was called..."

Shouyou hummed absently as he laid on my bare chest, the sheet lazily tossed over both of us and the blanket strewn to the side. The morning sunlight that bathed our bodies gave us plenty of warmth.

We were chatting and somehow got on the topic of stories, thus the sudden comment from Shouyou.

"How come?"

"'Cause choosing the person you want to love is something someone else just can't choose for you! Like, how could you learn to love someone if you know you have no choice but to?"

A soft chuckle vibrated my chest as he pressed himself deeper into me. His touch is god-sent, honestly, I could soak in it for the rest of my life. If I were dying, I would want to die in these comforting, angelic arms.

I didn't want this warmth to vanish, so I did the only plausible thing, the only thing I feel I'm capable of doing, at this point. I lied, and I didn't tell him that's exactly what was going to happen to us. To him.

"But I understand, in a way, the king and queen's desperation to protect their kingdom. Still, surely there are other ways to make amends with the other royal family rather than giving your daughter to a stranger. Don't you think?"

"Yeah... But it doesn't... always work out that way. Ya know how adults are, goin' 'round 'nd actin' like kids. They'll take each other's property, their kingdom, all 'cause they didn't get their way. Sometimes, there's no other option than to join alliances to protect the kingdoms."

Honey-colored eyes melted mine with their glittery gaze. Such a passionate, lovely pair of eyes should be illegal.

"So, the decision lies on the children or the parents?"

"The parents choose for the kids, but that gives 'em their own decision to make."

One you may be forced ta make, too...

"Oh? And what's that?"

"To run away or stay." I spoke as I fidgeted with his curly locks, finally mustering up the courage to ask the question weighing me down.

"If ya had to choose 'tween the two, which one would ya pick?"

"Haha, what kinda question's that? Of course, I'd pick the side that would let me be with you!"

Ya say that now, but what are ya gonna do when that time actually comes?

I'd like to say I know Shouyou enough, now, that I can tell what he'd pick. My mind denied it, but, deep down, I just know he'd run.

He'd run because who would want to stay with a liar like me? Someone who's secretly forcing him into a marriage that he wholeheartedly refused.

I hate myself for doing this to the person I love, and I hate that I can call him that and feel so good about it.


Midday, Café de la Rosa

"He's agreed?! Oh, my, you little charmer! Atsumu-Kun, this is splendid news!"

Mrs. Hinata was over the moon about mine and Shouyou's engagement.

Yeah, I know, I never proposed.

You try sitting here with three overwhelmingly powerful figures and tell them you have yet to accomplish anything other than a steamy makeout session with the person you were due to seduce and wed in a week's time. 

The only thing keeping me from rushing out was Osamu sitting beside me and pigging out on his onigiri.

I gave Shouyou a ring, yes, and I did ask him out, to which he happily accepted. Marriage is a big step, though, and he shut down my attempt completely.

It's not as if I didn't understand why. It's way too soon for that and we do still have a lot to learn about each other.

Honestly, I'd be more shocked if he accepted my proposal, which was less of a proposal and more of me whining to him.

They were speaking, my dad and the Hinata's, to me, maybe, probably, who knows? I only just tuned into the conversation.

"That's my boy, getting in there like a champ! I'm proud of ya, son! Oh, and you, too, Osamu!"

"Dad, ya say that every damn day. I know, already."

Dad laughed as Osamu sighed.

"Well, it's settled, then! We'll prepare everything immediately! Oh~ I'm so excited~! Shouyou's gonna look so stunning~!"

My heart felt as if it was gonna hammer straight out of my chest. It's fine. If my lies and secrets got me in this mess, they can get me the fuck out.

No, wait, no more of that. I'll just have to get Shouyou to marry me like our parents already believe. I can do that, surely.

I'll take him somewhere nice. Or my penthouse, maybe. Feed him dinner, love him until he thinks he's gonna be smothered by the weight of my affection, and I'll take him to the bedroom, then, and release all that built-up tension in one hot, perfect night.

Surely, then, he'll be willing to marry me. If he doesn't accept, if he doesn't agree, not only will the mafias not be conjoined, but I'd likely lose my position, disappoint everyone, and, more importantly, lose the first person I've ever loved so outrageously.

"Ya okay, 'Sumu? Ya've barely touched yer food."

My smile felt hollow, and I know Osamu noticed it too. I slid my plate toward him.

"Jus' gotta lot on my plate, haha. I think I'm gonna head out. I wanna see what Shou-Kun's up to. See ya around."

"... Alright, call me later."

"Yeah, yeah."

I have a week, at most, to propose. It'll take me a day, max, to get him to fall even deeper for me. Just inhabiting his mind isn't enough, I need him to lust for me, I need him completely under my spell.

I need to fuck him until I'm the only thing he can think about. Only then will I be able to pry my way into his brain and make him say the words I've been dying to hear.

Yeah, I'll marry you!

With the deadline so close, I have no time to waste. I called Shouyou up.

"Atsu-San? What's up?"

"Heya, Shou-Kun, ya got some time to hang out tomorrow?"


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