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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.



"Hiccup, ugh, you know, Atsu-San... you smell really nice~"

Shouyou leaned deeper into Atsumu's warmth as the chilly night breeze swept over their bodies. Atsumu would have shivered had a human heater not been attached to his side.

"I wanna be friends with you, A... tsu-San~ You're super duper cool..."

Atsumu sighed for the umpteenth time that night, but it wasn't because of Shouyou's clinginess or the strong grip he had on the blond's arm like one may assume.

It's because this whole night allowed him to loosen up for the first time in years and really enjoy himself and have a couple of drinks.

Until, halfway through his fun paradise, a thought struck him like thunder:

He hadn't seen Shouyou sober even once. What if he's a completely different person compared to his drunk self?

Atsumu glanced down at Shouyou, who was muttering on and on about some kind of meteor shower that was due to happen sometime next week. The one-sided conversation drifted off to dinosaurs at some point.

In the dim yellow lights of the street lamps they steadily passed, Atsumu admired Shouyou's beauty as if it would cure world hunger.

Those vibrant caramel eyes, those luscious curves, that shimmering bright hair, the tan skin that grew pale up when the wind brush up Shouyou's shirt sleeve, and that tender, heart-healing smile plastered on those pretty pink lips of his.

Atsumu could admit to being attracted to Shouyou on a physical level, no doubt.

"Atsu-San~ You can stay over at *hiccup* my house~ I don't want you... Nnh... I don't... want something to happen to you while you're, Nnh~ Tipsy~"

It seemed Shouyou was getting more annoyed with the fact that he was drunk, and each time he spoke his words would slur.

"You could get hit by a car... *hiccup* or kidnapped..."

A wisp of air blew from Atsumu's nose. He pulled Shouyou closer and slipped his small, shivering arm over his broad shoulders.

"Ya live close by?"

The Hinata family's main home. It's a quarter mile from here. Atsumu knows this, already.

"Yeah~ It's... Uh, down Rock Street..."

"I'll take ya up on yer offer, then, Shouyou-Kun~"

Besides, seein' ya with a hangover in the mornin' is the perfect chance for me to determine if your personality is worth my time.


It wasn't a moment after they had gotten to the Hinata's home that the little ginger had stumbled into his room, flopped down on the couch, and passed out. Atsumu carefully removed the glasses from Shouyou's face and placed them on the floor beside the couch.

He used the blanket resting on the back of the couch to cover his small frame up because it's cold as Antarctica in here, for some reason.

A maid entered through the open doorway and approached Atsumu with both caution and respect.

"Miya-Sama, I apologize for your trouble with Shouyou-Sama. I can take care of him from here if you'd like."

"Oh, no, no," Atsumu waved his hand dismissively. "It's no trouble at all. We had a good time, and it was funny watchin' him stumble around on the way here, haha."

She smiled politely.

"Is that so? Then, is there anything I can get for you? Perhaps run a warm bath?"

"That'd be nice, actually, thanks."

The short maid bowed again to Atsumu before hurrying off to the attached bathroom. Water running sounded not long after.

Glancing around the room, Atsumu noted how few things there were. No decorations, no bookshelves, no tables or desks. Only a queen-sized bed with fresh linens on it, a couch, and a TV attached to the wall.

Atsumu was aware he rarely visits, but even the guest rooms in this house had more furniture than this.

"Excuse me, Miya-Sama, but are you wondering about the lack of furniture, by chance?"

It was the maid again. She was drying her hands on a towel as she walked back over to Atsumu. He turned to her small figure.

"Yeah, how come he's only got, like, three things in here? It's a big enough room for plenty more."

"Oh, he's been diagnosed with compulsive decluttering, Miya-Sama. It means he views a lot of what someone would deem normal or even a necessity as stuff that simply takes up space. He's making progress, but we really had to beg him to keep the TV and couch the last time he was here."

Interesting to know, Atsumu hummed to himself as his brain took in all the information and filed it away.

"If you're wondering," began the maid, "His clothes and stuff are in his suitcase under the bed. I hope this doesn't deter your decision to wed him in the near future, Miya-Sama. Shouyou-Sama truly is trying his best to work through his issues."

Atsumu could tell this maid really cared for Shouyou. The smile that graced his features put her worries to ease.

"Don't worry, it only makes him all the more interestin'. Thanks fer the bath, and I'd like ya to tell me a little more about him sometime. I can tell yer fond of him."

"It would be my honor, Miya-Sama."

She excused herself, Atsumu scratched at a random itch on his head and glanced back at the dozing ginger.

"Yer a strange one, aren't cha, Shou-Kun?" His voice strained as he pulled his shirt off and dropped it on the floor.

"Well, it's better than ya bein' borin'. Let's getcha in bed, though. The maids went through all the trouble of cleanin' it, after all. Up~ and at 'em~"

Atsumu hoisted Shouyou bridal style into his arms, but he didn't walk to the bed just yet. He took a minute to admire Shouyou's soft, relaxed features. His large hands unintentionally gripped the ginger's curvy thigh and waist tighter than necessary.

"Ya sure take care of yerself, don't cha? Yer body sure is nice."

Finally, Atsumu walked to the bed, gently laid Shouyou close to the middle, and laid the blanket over him.

He decided, then, that it was a proper time for him to carry his own sweat-coated body to the bathroom and freshen up.

In Atsumu's opinion, Shouyou didn't seem half bad. He's tolerable, anyway, someone he wouldn't mind having to see around their house every day, should Shouyou agree to their marriage.

Well, Atsumu's quite the charming person, so, Shouyou would most definitely fall for him. Hell, Atsumu's had even the most stubborn people on their knees for him. That's what makes him powerful.

He's dominant, strong, and confident. Such a normal person like Shouyou would be nothing.



would you still love me? | atsuhinaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن