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"He's not coming." Mrs. Hinata sighed to herself and glanced at her husband, whose fake smile had yet to fade.

Mr. Miya took another sip of his tea and smiled at how delicious it is.

"He'll come! Have hope!"

"Honey, it's been an hour and he's still not here. After our fight last night, I wouldn't be surprised if he flew back to Brazil."

"Nonsense, Dear! Keep your head up!"

Mr. Hinata and Mr. Miya spoke idly about the upcoming heist and how they would expand their territories afterward, but Mrs. Hinata turned to Atsumu with a sorrowful look.

"Shouyou's very hardheaded," she spoke softly to him. Atsumu placed his cup down to show he was paying attention.

"He's so bent up about running his veterinarian clinic in Brazil that he's blinded himself to any other happiness. He's nothing like Natsu."

Natsu's always open to love. In fact, that seems to be what's always on her mind. The only thing the two siblings have in common is that they put their family before anything or anyone.

"It's cool. I didn't have much planned today, anyway. Pardon me, but what happened last night?"

"We told Shouyou about our plans to marry you two off, but he wasn't as keen on the idea as you are, dear. In fact, he's still not aware of everything we do as a mafia unlike Natsu, he chose to stay away from it all."


Atsumu's face expressed visible surprise.

"We tried roping him in, but, ultimately, we let him go. He was set on going to school and starting a business. All he knows is that we run a mafia."

Atsumu nodded and turned his attention to the tea in his cup, which reflected the interested gleam in his eyes.

He wondered what Shouyou was like, but he didn't dare ask, he wanted it all to be a surprise.

And a surprise it was.

"He's not coming." Mr. Hinata faceplanted on the table, finally reveling in the fact at hand.

"Finally, you've realized!"

"We'll have to arrange another meeting!" With his enthusiasm doubled, Mr. Hinata knocked a fist against his palm with a grin plastered on his face.

"One where Shouyou isn't aware it's Atsumu! I'm sure he'll grow attached to you, and we'll be able to work upward from there!"

"Oh, please, Shouyou's not that stupid. He won't fall for such a setup."

Atsumu watched in interest as Mr. Hinata scooted closer to his wife and held his hands out as if he were holding an invisible box.

"No, but, like, they've never seen each other before! He hasn't the slightest idea what Atsumu looks like, so, I mean, as long as Atsumu is okay with telling a white little lie..."

would you still love me? | atsuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now