Immoral Conquers

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1973 - Soviet Union

William was in the Soviet Union Sergeant Rank uniform. It been 2 months since he disappeared in the American army and the Vietnam War. He moved to Soviet Union because it's more of his style with no distribution with him teaching young Soviet soldiers of deadly and painful training in what they can't decline or argue. He loved it here and wanted to achieve goodness and power, maybe one day he becomes General armii. 

He was walking around talking to them in english and the russian translator is with him translating for him to the soldiers. 

William: Thank to Marshal Kulikov, who saw something in me when I wanted to join. He read my files and history in my former experience in the american army. Now I am here to teach the way of the guns and skills that you will take and keep in your hearts! You will not be weak in front of my eyes! If you do, you will die

The translator stopped and was scared. 

William: Why have you stop,  Private?

The translator carried on and the Soviet Soldiers were scared. 

William: Don't fail me, comrades. Now off you go, train now! Over those walls! NOW!

The soviet soldiers went and followed their instruction. 

William: You too, Private.

The translator nodded. After a while, the captain went towards William. He has a strong russian accent.

Bil: William.

William: Captain. 

Bil: I want you to teach these soldiers the hard lesson and make their bones hurt. We want our men to learn that distress do not breathe in this army, Sergeant! They will say this before they die "For our soviet motherlands!" After this, I'm inviting to my home. Don't disappoint me, Uilyam. 

William nodded. Later on, William came in the captain's house and sat down next to him and his two children, Bobvik and Daisk. Bobvik is only 8 year old and his sister is 6. 

Bil: This is my wife. 

The wife was a young woman in her mid 30s, putting down a nice delicious turkey. 

William: Madam. 

Bil: We don't get many coloured skin people in our house but you're the nicest one I have met. 

William nodded with a scary smile. 

Bil: So what brings you here?

William: A fresh and warm life in the new and strong army. I always wanted to join here. 

Bil: You served in the American army. The american won the war. You're an American.

William: Was. By blood but realistically I'm more than just American. Maybe one day I will be a General or the leader of Soviet Union or get in politics. Something like that. 

Bil: It's a big dream for a black man like you, William.

WIlliam: No dream is too small for me. I'm 6'7, nearly 300 pounds, getting and wiser. Stronger. I will not stop to chase and defeat my goals. I will prove everyone wrong!

Bil smiled. Year later, The Soviet Union have to fight in the Eritrean War of Independence. William got his men front along with Captain. They were fighting the enemy. William got up and walked toward the enemy soldiers and lifting them up, breaking their necks, breaking and ripping the enemy with his powerful fists and painful, heavy kicks. William's men were skocked and carried on shooting the bad guys. They know William will protect them or is he? William carried on shooting and throwing hard, heavy and sharps things at the enemy. Nothing can hurt or trick William. He is back in his prime. After a while, William was in rage and the captain have to calm him. 

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