Chapter 5

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Author Pov
As (Y/N) was walking home from your crazy weird job she felt as if she was being watched. You then started to get creeped out because your home was in the middle of the woods. You ran as fast as you can to your home. You could see your home in the distance. You then remembered mom was on night shift tonight.

Once you made it to your home you locked the door and ran to your room. As you open the door to your room, a figure of a man sat there on your bed. You were about to scream when he immediately ran up to you and covered your mouth while saying "Shhhhhh."

You then started to sprint to the living room in hopes to hide, but there was no where to hide. As he walked in the room you stood scared for your life. All you could hear him say was,"So your the new security guard?" Once in the room you could see him perfectly. He had a night guard uniform that was purple and his hair was also purple, but in a ponytail. His skin was a tan color and his eyes were as gray as...your fridge? The way he looked at you made a shiver go through you.

Stranger Pov
As I sat on her bed waiting for her to come home I looked around her room and saw lots of books strewn about. I got board while waiting so I decided to organize the books by title and series. Once that was done I heard a door open and lock. 'Must be her,' I thought. As I sat on the bed. I heard her running to this very room. No wonder, I mean it is HER room...duh. Once she opened the door she looked horrified. Before she could scream I ran over to her and put my hand over her mouth while saying,"Shhhhh." As I did that she ran into another room probably to hide from me. As I walk into the room she was in, she just stared, taking in looks. I decided to break the silence,"So you're the new security guard?"

"W-what do you want?? WHO ARE YOU??", she yelled at me.

"Why dear, I am the Purple Guy, but you may call me William if you like. And I only wanted to check who this new worker was. So I really must be going soon. But do not worry, for I will come to visit again later."

Your Pov
Before I could say anything he opened up my window and jumped out. I looked at my clock and saw it had been about 30 min. I need to get some sleep I thought. And with that I head off to bed wishing to never see that man again.
I hoped you liked it!! This took me forever to make because I didn't know what my friends would think if they read this!!!

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