Bio: Amari

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Full Name: Amari M. Moon

Age: 17

Gender: Genderfluid/Feminine pronouns

Hair Color: Black[used to be honey brown leaning into blonde]

Eyes: Red at the top fades to orange around the middle and a light blue at the bottom. Flecks of brown are seen if looking close enough.

Skin tone: Honey-toned skin

Birthday: June 14th (Gemini)

Species: Gojira/Mosura [Depends on how they feel or transform.]

How did they become a Gojira/Mosure?: Evil Human curiosity. Typical.

Title: -Heir of Godzilla and Mothra.

            -Experiment H - 001


-Human Form

-Gojira Form

-Mosura Form

-Radiation Absorption/Moonlight Absorption/Sunlight Absorption

-Swimming/Breathing Underwater


-Titan Abilities from Gojira/Mosura Forms

-Drug/Poison Resistance

-Thermal Resistance

-Sensing Danger/Imbalance/Corruption





-Environmental Growth

-Healing Abilities/Purification


Favorite Disney Movie(s): Monsters, Inc., Lilo & Stitch, Pirates of the Caribbean franchise

Favorite Disney Character(s)/Villian(s): Maleficent, Stitch, Jack Sparrow, Mirabel Madrigal, Quasimodo, Baymax, Hades, Kronk, Mushu, Genie


- Has a hatred of doctors/scientists due to certain incidents. It dialed down to dislike but has a big wariness towards them.

- Doesn't hate humans, just done with their bullshit that happens all the time.

- Finds joy in sneaking up on others.

- Can actually change their gender easily but sticks to female anatomy due to nostalgia.

- Doesn't care for pronouns but will address you as anything you desire. If your pronouns are 'little shit' will never call you anything else but little shit.

- Hoards multiple things. Gemstones, Beautiful/Shiny rocks, seeds of any kind, books/literature, and sometimes humans/humanoids.

- Loves to nap directly in the sunlight while in Gojira Form.

- Loves to fly while in Mosura Form.

- Has a hybrid form of Gojira and Mosure but is more humanoid.

- Loves sweets.

- Will put ketchup on bread and eat it.

- Confused about human customs.

- Will stare at someone for minutes on end without saying anything.

- Managed to hug a Karen and not get slapped or yelled at.

- Has no idea of flirting or dating. But they will claim someone as theirs easily.

- Has a fear of needles and crowds.

- Will silently judge you and not say a thing.

- Can and will adopt children of any race.

- Has STRONG motherly instincts that can't vanish.

- Finds sharks tasty to eat and awesome.

- Has octopus and squid friends in the sea.

- Get's mothered by birds alot.

- Finds dark humor very joyful and enduring.

- If you asked them to marry you, they already have a plan for the wedding, children planned, home built, and fantastic food ready.

- They take words seriously. If you said that you could control people, be prepared for awe and questions from them.

- Never allow them to be near a daycare or children unless you want to be childless.

- If you say you are depressed. Be prepared for cuddles, your favorite movies, favorite snacks, a spa day, and fun. Amari takes care of anyone under their list of friends or packmates no problem.

- Amari was a name given to them by Godzilla and Mothra.

- They will eat flowers with great joy.

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