Coffee {chapter 10}

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((Finally getting this posted! Sorry for the wait everyone. Hopefully the length makes up for the waiting period. Life's been crazy for multiple reasons. Being in a new place is so so weird but this house is really feeling like a home now. Not to mention Holiday season is upon us and I've caught a cold.  Anyways, hope you enjoy the next part of this wacky story.))

John's pov

Y/n was obviously in a very good mood as the two of us walked down the busy street. Meanwhile my head was still reeling over a bloke asking me out. That had never happened before. Was Y/n genuinely interested? Or was this all some sick experiment to figure me out? I hadn't the slightest idea. But I decided quickly that I didn't plan on finding out. Right now I just wanted to enjoy some coffee, avoid Sherlock's ever lasting sulking and get to know more about my new flatmate Y/n. Who unlike Sherlock was currently keeping pace with me instead of being three strides ahead out of impatience.

"What kind of coffee do you like?" He asks as we stop at a crosswalk.

"Well usually I just drink it black."

Y/n didn't say a word.  Instead he turned and walked down the street instead of crossing the street like I thought he would.

"Where are we going? There's a coffee place down the street." I point out as I catch up with him. It was refreshing not having to run the entire time to have a chance at holding a conversation.

"I know. But their black coffee is extremely bitter. There's a better place this way." Y/n says.

"I thought you just moved here?"

"I did. I just pay attention to everything John. And I never said that I hadn't been here before."

I couldn't believe this. Y/n and Sherlock were so much alike. Yet at the same time there was something about them that was so different.

"Everything huh?"

"You think you know something I don't."

I couldn't help but grin slightly. "Yes, actually I think I do."

Y/n smiled with a light breathy laugh. "And you're not going to tell me what it is are you? Just going to lord it over me till I figure it out on my own?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do."

Y/n shakes his head walking into a small cafe, but he didn't turn fast enough to hide that small smile of his. Following after him I notice that it's mostly empty besides a couple of older folks by the window and someone chatting with the worker at the coffee bar.


"Hey Rachel. It's good to see you."

I turn to see a short red head, with bright green eyes and a kind smile.

"It's good to see you love. Oh and I see you've brought a friend." The woman smiles at me. "Good mornin' lovely. I'm Rachel Green. Nice to meet ya." 

"Oh uh. Likewise. I'm John. John Watson." 

"He's my flatmate." Y/n says.

"Oh how nice! You actually listened to my advice." Rachel says with a laugh. "I've been trying to convince Y/n here to move into a flat for months. Needs more friends."

"Rachel please. Why would I need more friends when I got you and Jen?" Y/n says.

"Oh shush you." Rachel says "oh speaking of Jenny. She and I are hoping to go to the dog show on Thursday. Could you watch Paula if it's not too much trouble?" 

"I'll have to check with the schedule. Now do excuse us." Y/n says giving her a nod before walking off.

"Just follow him. He knows the table, same one every time." Rachel says, shaking her head as she goes back to work.

"Right, thank you." I had to awkwardly jog to catch up to Y/n who was already sitting in a rounded booth in the far corner. "You and Sherlock are quite similar, you know that right?"

Y/n smirks watching me as I sit down. That was a way he was not like Sherlock. Sherlock never watched me while doing mundane things. While Y/n paid attention to every detail. At least from what I've noticed.

"I am quite aware. Although I must say, He seems to be a bit more- grumpy." Y/n says.

I couldn't help but laugh a bit. "You certainly are not wrong. But he's not always like that."

"I figured as much. I don't know how you'd stand him otherwise." Yet again another fair point. I don't think either Sherlock or Y/n understands how exhausting it is to be around people as smart as they are. Because it can certainly be a bit of trouble now and then.

"Trust me some days I can't. But- he considers me his only friend. That has to count for something."

"Friend. Here I thought you two were involved." Y/n says with a hint of a smirk.

Y/n's pov

"Why does everyone always think that?"  I watched as John's face turned a lovely shade of pink. "For heaven's sake I'm not gay."

"And what about Sherlock?"

"Honestly it's hard to tell if he fancies anyone at all." John says, obviously happy to at least somewhat change the subject. "Though there was that one- I shouldn't really talk about it."

"Why not? Does Sherlock have an embarrassing history?" I ask knowing exactly how cheeky I was being.

"There was a woman a while ago. Whether they actually did anything is up for debate." John says. "She did fancy him. But she's gone now."

"So I'm assuming Sherlock felt nothing for her then?"

"Of it certainly wasn't nothing at all." John says. "But what it was is unknown to me."

"I see." John got increasingly more uncomfortable as this conversation went on. He squirmed when I asked about how Sherlock felt. Which meant one of two things, either he knew exactly how Sherlock felt and didn't like it, or he had no idea how Sherlock felt and didn't like it. With that and the conversation of theirs I overheard I'm currently leaning towards the second option. Especially if my theory was correct. I only needed one more thing to know it as fact. I needed to know exactly why John wanted to know how Sherlock felt.

"Sherlock is one of the most complicated men I've ever met." John says. Obviously attempting to push the conversation into another direction. Like I was going to let that happen when I was getting so close.

"Oh is that why you're so drawn to him?"  That got him red very fast.

"Okay- why is it that you ask me out and then bring Sherlock into this?" John asks.

"Oh so you do want this to be a date" Rachel came over with my coffee at that moment. John was shielding his face with his hand.

"Here you go Y/n dear. Your usual. And what will this kind fellow have today?" Rachel spoke warmly as always. John went to speak but he was embarrassed enough as is. So I ordered for him.

"He'll have a black medium roast. No sugar." I noticed him glancing at me when I said that. He seemed surprised.

"Alright, I'll be right out with that." Rachel says before walking away.

"I'm sorry if I went too far John."

"You're actually apologizing to me? Why?" John asks.

This surprised me. "You seemed upset, I have a hard time knowing when I crossed a line so when you got embarrassed the way you did, I figured I may have crossed one, and I'm apologizing for it"

John smiles slightly. I couldn't deny the fact that I was beginning to like that smile of his.

"Well- thank you. For apologizing I mean." He muttered his fingers tapping on the table anxiously.  I couldn't help but reach my hand out and grab his. Originally I had planned to say something, but when we made eye contact I completely forgot what it was. He held my attention without doing a thing. In fact I was so distracted, that I almost didn't notice a certain someone walking in to the small coffee shop.

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