Chapter 1: My Happy Place

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Lindsay POV

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Lindsay POV

I  felt my bare feet slam across the wet sand as I ran along the water's edge. I was at my happy place. The beach. It was a warm July morning in Cape May, New Jersey. My home town. A town I swore I would leave as soon as I could, but I was 18 and I didn't see that happening anytime soon.

This town had me feeling stuck and my life was basically falling apart. I worked at a café and I was probably the world's worst waitress. I was constantly screwing up orders. I honestly have no idea why the owners haven't fired me yet.

 Since I was a shitty waitress, tips were basically non-existent, which led to my next problem. Money. Paying rent on my little hole in the wall apartment was my first priority but things added up quickly and I often went without or made do with what little I had.

I would take home leftover food from the café, walk to and from work to save gas money, visit thrift stores for used clothing and choose walks in the parks over going to the movies.

I would be starting a nursing program at the community college in September and I had no idea how I was going to make that work. I had a scholarship which would of course help with expenses but it only went so far. I had a minor panic attack this morning, when I thought about school, which led me to the beach. 

Coming to the beach on my one day off, would feed my soul. The sun would tan my skin and make it glow. The freckles on my shoulders would multiply after every trip to the beach.

I was on my way back to my beach blanket, which was just an old oversized towel, when something caught my eye. I stopped running and my eyes began scanning the rocks and sand for it.

Ahh, gotcha.

I picked up the piece of beach glass

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I picked up the piece of beach glass. It was a smooth medium purple piece. My first purple piece. I had a small collection of brown, green and clear pieces at home, but it was always exciting to find a new piece and especially a new color. I tucked the piece in the pocket of my shorts and walked the rest of the way to my blanket.

 I tucked the piece in the pocket of my shorts and walked the rest of the way to my blanket

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