Chapter 6: Fire and Iron

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Lindsay POV

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Lindsay POV

Henry pulled up to the club and parallel parked his huge truck like it was a fucking smart car. Like how the fuck did he do that and make it look so easy?

"How did you do that? I cannot parallel park to save my life and you just parked this massive truck like it was nothing." I said in disbelief.

"It's really not that hard, sweetheart. But don't worry, I will drive wherever we go."

"You make it sound like this," I said as I pointed from him to me, "isn't a one time thing."

Henry grabbed my outstretched hand and kissed it. "Oh, sweetheart, this is definitely not a one time thing. I promise you that. Now are you ready to check out this club?"

I could feel my cheeks blush over with warmth. How did he have this effect on me? At least it was dark so he couldn't see my flushed face.

"I'm ready."

"Perfect. Stay." I listened and watched Henry exit the truck and come around to my door and open it. He held his hand out to help me down. I put my hand in his and hopped down from his truck.

We walked past the long line of patrons waiting to get in and approached the bouncer. He looked scary with his tall stature and muscular arms. His shaved head was covered with tattoos. Ouch. Henry and him did a bro handshake hug thing.

"Hey Isaac, how are you man?" Henry asked the man who I learned was Isaac.

"Doing great. Who's your friend?" Isaac asked as he scanned my body up and down, licking his lips.

"Girlfriend! This is my girlfriend Lindsay and if you know what's good for you, you will stop staring at her." Henry practically yelled.

"Sorry man, I didn't know. You guys can go in. Everyone is already here."

Wait! Hold the bus! 

Girlfriend? When did we decide that I was Henry's girlfriend?

I looked from Henry to Isaac and back to Henry, hoping for some answers but instead of explaining himself, Henry just grabbed my hand.

"Let's go Lindsay. See ya around Isaac."

I let Henry lead me through the crowded club. I wanted to pull my hand from his and ask him about the 'girlfriend comment' but I decided to wait until we were at our table. The club was dark with lights flashing and there were people everywhere. I didn't want to risk getting separated from Henry over a misunderstanding so I held onto his hand tightly.

We got to the bottom of a set of stairs that had a bouncer standing at the bottom. He was also a big man with a shaved head and tattoos. What that fuck? Was that like a requirement to work here? Shave your head and put yourself through endless amounts of pain! Henry gave him a nod and he returned the nod and let us up the stairs.

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