Chapter 10: Crazy

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TW: This chapter contains a man forcing himself on a woman and making her think she wants sexual relations when really she doesn't.  I do not condone anyone (Male or female) pushing themselves on another person in any manner. This is strictly part of the story to show Henry's character. 

Henry POV

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Henry POV

The drunk men are splayed out all over the hallway. They are all bleeding and bruised. Some are clutching their injuries or moaning in pain.

Moan and groan, boys! I don't fucking care!

"Clean up this mess!" I say to my men, as I pull Lindsay closer into my chest. I can feel the tension in her body. I kiss the top of her head.

"Yes, boss." They all reply in unison.

"Let's go, sweetheart." I tell Lindsay as I try to pull her back into the elevator but she decides to plant her feet and not move.

"No!" She whispers. "Your fucking crazy! I'm not going anywhere with you."

Just wait, baby, just fucking wait!

I grab her and fling her over my shoulder. "Don't test me, sweetheart. I'm not in the mood to play around." I told her. Of course she tries to struggle and kick me so I roughly slap her perfect little ass. "Calm down, baby! Save your energy."

"Adam," I called one of the men over

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"Adam," I called one of the men over.

Almost immediately a young lanky guy with a short mohawk was in front of me. "Yes, Sir."

"Can you escort us upstairs? My girl is a little worked up and I want to make sure she doesn't hurt herself."

"Of course, Sir." He replied with a smile.

Oh I loved when they were eager to please!

I stepped into the elevator with Lindsay still slung over my shoulder. Thankfully she had stopped struggling. Adam stepped in and stood in front of the door as it closed and pressed the button for the penthouse.

After a couple moments, the elevator ride stopped and the doors opened. Adam exited the elevator first into a small hallway.

"You will stay in this hallway until we leave. Is that understood, Adam?"

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