Chapter 08

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Law tossed and turned in his bed but could not fall back asleep. He saw it again. The pink shirt adorning a torso riddled with bullets, black feathery coat cushioning the large man gradually going as cold as the snow beneath him, the satisfied smile on his face, fading as he embraced death knowing Law would be safe now.

Fuck this shit!

Throwing aside his blanket, Law got up. It hadn't been long since they came to Flevance and he had yet to explore the place. Thinking he had nothing better to do and since everyone was asleep, Law decided to leave for a walk. He grabbed his coat and made for the infirmary first. Luffy was asleep and his vitals were alright so Law could afford to leave him unsupervised for a few hours and even if anything happened, the boy had the call button handy, somebody would tend to him. But he thought he'd already be back by the time Luffy would wake up so he pushed the other thoughts aside.

Law pulled on his black coat and was about to exit when he remembered something important. There might be somebody who could recognize him based on his hat and golden eyes as the signature features of a Trafalgar boy who used to thrive in this city before it fell to ruins. He thought anybody with enough brains might recognize his resting bitch-face and the infamous scowl he had been wearing since childhood and that caused him to groan. He put his hat aside carefully in his room and grabbed two masks, a surgical mask and a cloth one, pulling them on his face before finally leaving the building.

It was cold. Law's previous impression of a few days ago when they arrived was changed to this, he did not like the weather. It was cold. He pulled his coat closer and stuffed his hands in his pockets before continuing out of the door. He was just roaming about, no particular destination in mind before he spotted a cafe and knew where to start. Law went into the cafe and ordered a coffee to-go.

"You're new here?" The cashier asked as Law was pulling out his wallet to pay for his drink. The boy didn't look over fifteen. This confused Law. Normally he was above small talk but he wanted information and this seemed like a start and the cafe was completely empty so he could afford some time.

"I am. What about you? You look young, I heard labor laws here said work only after legal age?" Law asked, appearing oblivious. The old Flevance had the legal age of twenty and nobody was allowed to work before that, it was a wealthy city so nobody had to send their children out to work anyway. It prevented a system of unjust child labor but now Law wasn't so sure.

"You are really new, aren't you? Labor laws changed. If you can secure work, you can. Age doesn't matter anymore." The boy answered, amused.

"And why are you working?" Law couldn't help himself asking. He had a childhood where he didn't have to worry about finances and stuff so he was able to focus on his interest and education but this boy, out to work this late, he just had to inquire.

"My parents can't afford me education, so I'm trying to do it myself." Hearing the boy's answer suddenly made Law feel privileged even though he obtained money through illegal means.

"What do you plan on doing in the future if you do get education?"

"I heard what happened here, so maybe I'd like to be a doctor or at least a researcher so well, I can help if something like that broke out again."

"They said it was contagious, what was it, Amber Lead? Why put yourself through a research for something that was contagious and could kill you too?"

"How can I be sincere in my research without putting myself in the field?"

Law was quiet. He quickly paid for the coffee and left a huge tip, something that might give something away if he wasn't careful.

"Education is important, sure. But live a little too." Picking his coffee, Law left before the boy could say anything else.

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