Chapter 91

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Luffy watched Law feel the fabric of the shirt on the display and cringe, immediately distancing himself from the shop to deal with the sensory overload. The boyfriends were at the mall, it was Law's day off and since the older needed new clothes, the two were out shopping. The thing was, that they had been looking through shops for an hour and they still hadn't bought a thing because according to Law, everything was just wrong.

"Lesgo get something to eat, Torao." Luffy suggested and took Law's hand before the doctor could protest, Godfather keeping pace with the two.

"I hate mall food." Law grumbled but allowed himself to be led to the food court.

"There's tons of new stuff here now! You'll like the cookies I think."

"You've already tried those." The older stated, not even questioning when Luffy might have the time to try the food and if he did so just to make sure it was according to Law's tastes. "But yes, food will help, I guess."

"How come you never know when you have to eat?" Luffy swung his arms back and forth, careful that he didn't hit his boyfriend.

"Brain's faulty." Law said plainly but when the younger kept looking at him, the doctor expanded. "It's a developmental disability, my brain doesn't send me hunger cues, so I don't know when my body needs it. I have to put in conscious effort to track my meals but that's too much work."

"It's easy for me, so I'll do it for you."

"Yeah because you have five giant-serving meals a day."

"You talk like that's bad." Luffy laughed and scanned the food stalls in the food court, leading Law to one when he spotted the food he wanted.

After getting the ton of food that Luffy wanted to consume and the comparatively very less food that Law was willing to consume, the boys found a place to sit away from all the noise of the people.

"Malls make me so tried." Law commented rolling his shoulder joint to get the ache out, then took a bite from the cookies Luffy suggested, read bullied, Law try. "What do you know, it is good."

"See???? It's the dark choco one, I didn't like it at all so I thought you definitely would since you like that kinda bitter stuff." Luffy grinned, happy at the victory.

"Just the thing that would revive my brain a little too."

"Law eating cookies? Am I seeing right?" Came Nami's surprise and Robin's chuckles.

"No, your eyes have really gone bad." Law snarked with a slump of his shoulders. The women joined the men and took to the empty chairs.

"I'd believe that if it was just you, but there's no way I can ever mistake Luffy's radiance."

"Seconded." Robin chuckled again.

"My what?" Luffy asked before stuffing his mouth with the whole chicken on his plate.

"Don't mind them." Law said then turned to the girls. "What're you here for?"

"Shopping of course." Nami shook her head at the obvious answer.

"Right, why did I even ask..."

"How's shopping going for you both?" Robin asked.


"Just tell your friends to send you your clothes from Flevance." Nami sighed.

"No, those are too thick for the weather here."

"That's East Blue for ya."

"It's a nice change." Law said casually but his brain replayed images of the cold of Flevance, Minion Island, then Swallow Island, in continuous loop. All those places in the North Blue were cold, even the summers. "But I hate the fabric here! Absolutely hate."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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