Chapter 23

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Law was lounging on the steps of a house few blocks down from his basement. He had spent all day cleaning it and making sure it was fit for use whenever that would be. The sun had already set and the moon had come out.

Law checked the time on his phone and noticed he had half an hour till he had to go meet Luffy at the cafe. He was enjoying the cigarette between his fingers, taking one deep inhale after another. He wasn't dependent on nicotine, nor was he a chain smoker, it was a sort of thing he indulged in when he needed a break. Blowing the smoke in the air above him, Law sighed.

"Come on! Stop!" Law heard a distant yell, wincing at the crude intrusion in his peace.

"What, you scared?! Let's see who can get home first!!" Another person shouted and ran towards Law until he passed him. It was just a few more steps that the person stopped abruptly and fell to the ground. Law barely paid it any attention until the other person got closer.

"Ace! Dammit!" The person turned his head towards Law for a few seconds when he passed him by. Blond hair, round as fuck blue eyes.

Sabo. Law's mind provided. He called the other person Ace and Law moved his head to check, sure enough the man passed out had wavy black hair, could be Ace. Law wasn't sure since the face was hugging the hard concrete and there was blood starting to seep out.

Law of course knew these were Luffy's brothers. He had done his research on every person Luffy mentioned the name of in their conversations, so he of course also knew that Ace was narcoleptic. Law stared for a while as Sabo tried to shake his brother awake but that was only making him lose more blood. Law closed his eyes and mentally cursed, was Luffy's entire family like this?

"Ace come on asshole, we just got back from the hospital!" Sabo shook Ace some more because that had done the trick a few times in the past.

Law groaned and rolled his eyes, taking a final inhale of his cigarette and pulling his masks back on. He could not let this situation escalate, for whatever reason, he felt compelled to help. When he got up and extinguished the butt of his death stick, he caught Sabo's attention for a little while before it was back on Ace.

"Step aside, I'm a doctor." Law said pulling gloves from his fanny pack and walking to Sabo. The blond eyed Law for while.

"You're a doctor and you were smoking?" Sabo raised an eyebrow, moving closer to Ace, as if perceiving Law a threat. The worry for his brother was clear on Sabo's face because he had little to none medical experience and Ace was bleeding a lot.

"We all have our vices." Law answered and crouched to get a better look and angle to treat the black haired man. "Call an ambulance, I'll stop the bleeding and put stitches in the meantime."

"Show me some ID first." Law rolled his eyes and fished out his fake medical ID, it was really convincing for people that didn't know shit about medicine and Luffy's family were those people. "Alright, Antonio..."

Law quickly got to work when Sabo gave him some space and stepped aside to call for an ambulance. Ace had managed to cut his forehead, the wound wasn't big but it was deep, Law wondered if there was a skull fracture too. Law cleaned the bleeding area and injected a little anesthesia to stop the bleeding. He brought out his thread and needle for stitches, Ace would need four of them. All the while Law was meticulously threading through Ace's head, his phone was vibrating in his pants pocket. He briefly looked at the time on his watch and sighed. It was twenty minutes over the time he had to meet Luffy at.

Law took his gloves off after the final stitch and first called Luffy back. He answered on the first ring.

"Toraooo you're lateeeee!" Luffy whined and Law almost smiled at the sound. He sounded very... home-y.

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