Chapter 29

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Law couldn't deal with it. He couldn't deal with Luffy's voice still ringing in his head, even after two weeks. He tried listening to the original Fall Out Boy but every time, he remembered Luffy's voice and was reduced to an embarrassed mess. If that was bad, his friends teasing him about Luffy was worse. The younger had 'accidentally' shared the recorded file in the group chat and Shachi had been online at that time and had quickly downloaded it before Luffy realized and deleted it. Law had to constantly get out of the building or stay cooped in his room to avoid wiggling eyebrows and sly smirks.

Law had made himself busy with back to back surgeries to avoid his brain getting swept up in adoration for Luffy. Sure, he didn't deny it, Law even found it a nice feeling but he was still afraid that if he told Luffy everything, the younger would reject him. There were so many aspects of his personality that Law had kept hidden from everyone because they were all temporary around him, Luffy too, Law wasn't with him all the time so it was easy. But if Law were to be involved with Luffy in a relationship, something or other would slip sooner or later and Law was afraid Luffy wouldn't like that.

He needed to give Luffy an answer though, he owed it to Luffy. Luffy said he would be ok with whatever Law chose. Law smiled to himself under the covers that Luffy made sure to not burden Law. He couldn't sleep, Luffy was on his mind again, just like every other night since the live. Law decided he needed to be honest with Luffy, tell him what was really bothering Law about allowing himself to like Luffy back and be open about it. Luffy deserved at least that much.

Law decided he would tell Luffy the important bits about himself if the next surgery went alright. The operation was in Goa, the client had chosen it, it was easy but Law couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. As if this wasn't enough, he had been feeling like he was being watched every time he stepped outside Flevance for an underworld client. Law was of course careful but whoever was watching him, they were better. The paranoia of being watched was another thing that was stopping Law from arranging a meeting with Luffy. If this was somehow a mess or an assassin he had brought upon himself because of his activities, Law didn't want Luffy to get dragged in it and should he die or sustain not-normal injuries, Luffy would be better off not knowing about Law's feelings for him.


Law looked over his shoulder and exited the airport, he was either growing paranoid or he really was being watched. It brought back bad memories and Law didn't want a reminder of those times especially so close to a surgery. Law thanked his foresight for bringing multiple disguises with him and changed into one at the public restrooms to shake the tail off him. It worked or maybe whoever was following him wasn't out for his blood and let him go on purpose. Regardless, Law quickly checked into his usual hotel and room and went straight to the basement.

Everything was in place inside the basement, things were clean and ready for the operation, the incinerator was working - Law had illegally acquired it over a few weeks and got it installed in the basement because one never knew when there would be a need to burn bodies. Needless to say, Law hadn't informed Luffy about his arrival in Goa and needed it that way till the surgery was done with. The surgery itself was easy, just a gall bladder removal. For someone of Law's skill, he would have it done in thirty minutes.

Law stayed in the basement the entire time it would take for his client to arrive and he wasn't really shocked when he did arrive, three hours late and with company of another thug. The surgeon checked both the men for weapons and took his payment in advance.

"You, stand somewhere in the corner and out of my way." Law told the other guy and helped his patient on the operating table, throwing sterilized gear at the other man to prevent infections. Law attached the machines on his patient and turned around to get the syringe for a muscle relaxant, ready to pump it with general anesthesia. Law felt he had no obligation to walk these kinds of patients through the operative procedure, he really didn't care if they lived or died but he only pulled the miraculous surgeries to increase his reputation in the underworld and consequently, increasing his means to obtain information to get closer to his goal.

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