Chapter 34

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Law couldn't sleep. His brain was replaying the images of Luffy's horror-stricken face when Law had killed that man in the alley. He didn't like killing any more than Luffy did but sometimes that was the only choice. Law tossed and turned but found no relief. He wasn't about to keep simmering in this agony so he got up and pulled on his masks and coat, pocketed a scalpel, put on his slippers and went out for a walk. It was very late at night but Law was still happy to indulge himself.

The streets were empty, the lamps were still lit and the sky was mostly clear. Law didn't want to wander far in case his injuries started aching, getting back to the hotel would be a bitch if that happened. So Law kept around in the nearby blocks, resting against stairs and iron railings when he needed to catch his breath.

"Oh damn he's gotten really tall." Law heard a female voice and nearly jumped in place. The entire area around him was very quiet and he was sure nobody was following him but then this happened, he had every right to be startled. "You were right, Smoker-kun, these are somehow Rosi's genes."

"Who the fuck-" Law turned at the mention of his father, ready to hurl vicious things at the person but stopped when he spotted Smoker and Hina, her hair were pink as always.

"No I take it back, Rosi never used this kind of language."

"What are the two of you doing here, are you following me?" Law asked looking around in case there were more officers hiding.

"I was scouting the block again since you encountered that guy in the alley." Smoker answered around his cigars. "Hina decided to tag along."

"Thanks for the cleanup again." Law sighed and sat down on one of the stairs of the big houses, the two marines followed suit, sitting on either side of the grumpy and injured young adult, shoulders touching. "Sit somewhere else, this is very uncomfortable."

"What, you don't want Hina near? Hina's offended." The woman teased and put her arm around Law to rile him up more.

"Stop talking in third person, it's very annoying."

Smoker only chuckled lightly at the comment when Hina pouted, then all signs of mirth left his face. "What happened back there Law?"

"I was being followed so I confronted the guy." Law avoided wording the entire story. He knew this was coming for him sooner or later.

"Speak clearly." Hina scolded and Law gulped.

"I wanted to know who sent him but he was pissing me off by staying quiet so I..."

"Did you kill him because you were angry or did you kill him because letting him go would have meant looking over your shoulder every second?" Smoker provided so Law could have an easy answer.



"And... he had seen Mugiwara-ya, he was with me, I couldn't risk letting that information out- fuck I messed it up with him too- he probably hates me for life now- fuck!" Law groaned pulling his hair at the roots and burying his eyes in his palms. The two marines shared a look over's Law's crouched form, then Smoker decided to continue.

"Probably yes. Mugiwara has never killed a person, his fights have left bad injuries but he has never killed anyone. But if I am right about who sent that tail, you were right to have ended that mess there."

"Mugiwara understands difficult situations too Law, quite unexpected looking at his face but he does." Hina added.


"What even is your relationship with Mugiwara anyway?" Hina asked blowing smoke from her cigarette to the side.

"They're boyfriends." Smoker said plainly and turned his face to the other side with the pretense of blowing smoke when Law glared at him, face red.

Young In Love - LawLu AUWhere stories live. Discover now