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dear luke,

they weren't kidding. i passed by a room with restraints, a hospital bed, and a machine with different levels of electricity. i'm thinking maybe if i show gradual improvement, they'll cancel the shocking session. most likely not.

the food here is even worse than back at prison. there's blood, sweat, and tears in the dough and soup. literally. i'm disgusted.

i've never experienced such a filthy lifestyle, not even back our "muke" days.

see what i did there, lukey? that's our "ship name." it's our name combined since we were such a power couple. god, i miss those days. i thought it couldn't get worse than a thick wall of glass and two telephones separating us. but now, there's two different dimensions and universes between us. i never thought we'd end up here.

supper time. i'll write later.

love always,


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