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dear luke,

five days.

only five days and then i'll be out of here and dazed from the shock. you'll be nothing to me, i won't even remember your name. it hasn't dawned on me yet, because i know when it finally does, i'll be crying like a baby and trying to hold on to what i have left of you.

so far, the institution has only gotten worse. i got stitches twice; once when i was cutting bread and the knife slipped, and when a nurse came in whilst breaking up a fight that happened in the commons and accidentally cut my arm open. it wasn't pretty, but the pain felt nice. reminded me that i can still feel something, you know? like madison montgomery during coven.

you know, luke...i really hope i'll still be the michael you know and love after it happens. when the fire happened, i didn't even use my head. i left my phone and laptop and gaming system in the house to burn, my precious possessions. because i was too occupied in saving your letter to me.

you are my sunshine,


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