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dear luke,

i can't shake the inevitable fact that i'm going to be losing you again. the mere thought nauseates me and terrifies me. this is exactly what i have feared ever since they buried you six feet under; that you'll be taken away from me again.

what will happen after they shock you out of me? will i remember being in prison and meeting my three best friends and love of my life? will i recall being a murderer and breaking your heart? i hope the new michael, who i was before i picked up that alcohol the night i was imprisoned, will be improved. like i was before all the drama happened in my life.

they've been giving me more medicine lately, and i've shown drastic improvement. even the scary nurses commented on it. "you're finally opening up to God, and this is why you're happy again." whatever that means.

the due date for my memory is approaching fast. and i'm frightened.

love always,

michael xx

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