chapter 44

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Y/n after finishing her job in jyp. Came back to home. Ate dinner with family. spontaneously his dad pinched him as usual for marriage.

Y/n pov:

Dad: you should get marry. You are 24 now.

Y/n: okay dad. Mom thanks for making delicious dinner.

Mom: baby eat more.

Y/n: no mom I am researching on something. I got my salary today. I just need 800 dollars. I am going to transfer the leftover 4200 dollars in your bank account.

Mom: we don't need money. You should take more for yourself.

Y/n: mom 800$ are so much for my whole month and you know I don't waste on shopping. Okay I am leaving bye.

Y/n: Kissed on her mom and dad's forehead and left the living room. She started her research for a cursed vampire. The book is whole written in latin. She understand some pages and some where written in advance latin. The book was totally based on dark magic and laws of vampires.

As she started reading she got some clues. She highlighted those contexts. Which were useful to make minho curse free. She look through internet to get information about dark magic. She finally found a book store.

she hanged her bagpack. Keep all money inside them. And arrived to bank. She transferred all money in her mom's account. Now she was tension free. A big responsibility was accomplished.

Now her second task was to look for that dark arts book store. After hours of research she found dark arts book store. She enter in the book store an abnormal smell was in atmosphere. that shope keeper was vampire he groweled at her first. Then she introduce herself.

Vampire: who are you.

Y/n: do you know lee minho?

Vampire: who does not know? So!

Y/n: I am his mate and I need more books like these. (showed)

Vampire: can you gave this to me. (He touched the book)

Y/n: sir I need more information about cursed vampires. actually my boyfriend is cursed vampire and I am his human mate  but he can't convert me due to restructions. I am gathering information about how can I make him free from curse.

Vampire: daughter I think the books you are looking for does not belongs to my bookshop.

Y/n: oh where can I find them. I really need them.

Vampire: I can give you an address of a dark art library. This will be in the center of forest just little far. Here all vampires and Witches get those evilish magic books. I hope you will find books of your choice there.

Y/n: thank you sir. If I will get books. I will give you treat. I am good chef I learned cooking from minho.

Vampire: haha so nice daughter. But be careful  library at midnight is full of vampire.

Y/n: sir I am in minho's territory. don't worry.

Vampire: thats great best of luck girl.

Y/n: thank you bye bye take care.

Y/n started walking and found the forest. It was the darkest night of the month. Wind is whistling in cold weather. Somehow moonlight appear and brighten up the road and then vanish again. She finally found the way to library. A warning sign was made on the board which identifies the dark spirit. She opened flashlight of her phone. She was scared. She is talking with her ownself.

Y/n: y/n come on you can do this! You can't loose minho again. He is only yours a dark night and creepy forest can't stop me from making me my boy free of curse.

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