Its You and Me... and Him

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"Do you think Hyunjin is ok?" asked Changbin as he served Felix his dinner. There are times when Changbin would cook for Felix specially when Felix had a very hectic day. Tonight, the request was just a simple rice soup with mushrooms and chicken. "He is fine, he was just in a hurry. You know how he is, he was never the one who is organized with his engagements. I wonder why he never hired an assistant." Felix stated as he lazily played with his dinner. "He looked pretty shocked though when you told him about us. I was nervous myself. I couldn't say anything at all." Changbin said when he noticed that Felix was somewhere else in thought. "Lixie, hello?" he said as he reached for Felix's hand. "Im sorry, what?" Felix replied when he came back to his senses. Truth was, Felix kept on replaying what Hyunjin whispered to him at the restaurant. "What did he mean when he said to wait for him." Felix kept on repeating it in his head. "I will send him a text message first thing tomorrow. He is probably stuck in his dark room right now, developing the pictures." Felix said. Changbin gave him a smile and urged him to eat his dinner which he has only been stirring with his spoon the whole time. "What did he mean." Felix kept on replaying what Hyunjin whispered to him that afternoon.

Hyunjin drove to HY View that afternoon after stopping by a convenience store and grabbed a six pack. He did not have any intention of finishing it all, but he is already half way through the whole pack. "What happened Hyunjin? When did Felix and Changbin happen?" he asked himself. He was sure that he had told Changbin to tell Felix to wait for him. He was sure that he gave that letter for Felix to Changbin. Hyunjin still does not understand what happened or what he did wrong. He came back for Felix, he came back to continue where he left off, he came back to tell him that he loves him. "How am I going to win him back now?" He saw Felix happy with Changbin. He saw how they looked at each other. He saw how Felix reached for Changbin's hand and held it tight. He wanted that. That was the reason why he came back. To hold Felix's hand, to stare into his eyes and smile. How will he tell Felix how he truly feels. Tears started streaming down his cheeks. "How will I tell him I love him. That it has always been him all these years. That I saved all the best memories to be shared with him, and only him." Hyunjin stood up and walked to the edge of the hill. "I'm going to win you back, Yongbok! I'm going to win you back! Do you hear me?! WE belong! You and I, remember? WE BELONG TO EACH OTHER!" Hyunjin screamed into the wind, hoping that it will carry it to Felix. He left HY View with a renewed determination of taking Felix back. He promised himself not to stop at just being Felix's friend, he wants him to be his, for the rest of their lives. He just has to figure out how to do it. But he will have Yongbok back, even if its the last thing he does.

The next day, Felix texted Hyunjin:

"Hey Hyunjin, just checking how you are doing. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and Changbin later today. We could watch a movie, just like before. Us, the 3 Musketeers! All for one, One for all! Text back if you can. -Felix-"

"Who are you texting this early, Lixie?" Changbin asked while looking at his cellphone. "I just sent Hyunjin a message to see if he wanted to join us for a movie later. Don't worry, he is an early riser. He'll text back soon." Felix replied. Changbin pulled him closer for a hug as he slowly falls back to sleep. Felix still keeps looking at his phone, anticipating an answer from Hyunjin right away. He finds himself looking through his photo album, back to the pictures of that dinner that he had with Hyunjin. He smiled seeing Hyunjin acting silly in one of their pictures. "Jinnie..." he whispered softly. Careful not to let Changbin hear him. He dozed off while looking at the pictures. At half past 8, their alarm clock went off. Both of them woke up in a hurry thinking that they are both late. Felix hurriedly checked his cellphone for a reply from Hyunjin. To his disappointment, there were no new messages from Hyunjin. "He is probably busy in his dark room." he assured himself. "He will reply soon." One day turned into a week of hearing nothing from Hyunjin. Felix regularly texted Hyunjin, just to check up on him. Asking if he needed anything, asking how he was doing. All of these messages left un answered. Both him and Changbin are now worried about Hyunjin. "Binnie, I'm going to go check up on Hyunjin at his apartment. I'm beginning to get worried. This isn't like him." Felix informed Changbin of his plan. "Ok Lixie, just message me or call me if you guys need anything. I am worried too." Changbin answered. Felix planned on visiting Hyunjin after he does lunch at The Y. As soon as he was done prepping for the dinner menu, Felix hopped on his bike and set course to Hyunjin's apartment building. "It has been a week since I last saw him or talked to him. I wonder whats going on with him." Felix was thinking this on his drive to Hyunjins.

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