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I walked down to Mom Colin and Rose they were eating breakfast. It's summer so I don't have any school, " good morning" I say, "Good morning" they say back "Where is Cosmo? "I ask Mom," he is napping, he should wake up soon," Mom says," Okay," I say as I make myself breakfast, I hear crying so I walk into Cosmo's bedroom, and I pick him up" Hey sissy is here, it's okay," I say to him, he stops crying, I change his diaper and take on some new clothes since he had an accident, I chance him into this:

 It's summer so I don't have any school, " good morning" I say, "Good morning" they say back "Where is Cosmo? "I ask Mom," he is napping, he should wake up soon," Mom says," Okay," I say as I make myself breakfast, I hear crying so I walk into Cos...

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(Btw Cosmo is soon 2 years old) he is the cutest baby, I walk into the kitchen with Cosmo," hey baby" mom says as she takes him" You didn't have to take him, I could do it" Mom says" Hey it's okay I love doing it" I say, " thank you sweetheart" she says as side hug me. Then I sit down and eat my breakfast, I take in my Air Pods take my phone out, and watch The Vampire Diaries, while I eat. When I eat change my clothes into this:

I FaceTime my best friend, Emily, while I do my face routine

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I FaceTime my best friend, Emily, while I do my face routine.

Hey bestie- I say

Hey, what are doing

Can't you see it?

Yeah, I can see you wash your face, but what else do you do?

Oh nothing, you?


Want to come over?


See you in 10 then?


I walk down to Mom," hey Mom, Emily is coming over" I say to her," Okay" she says, then Emily walks in," hey" she says" Hey" I say," Hey Emily how are you?" Mom says," Good," Emily says," Come on, " I say, then we walk up to my bedroom. We talk, and she sits on my bed, and I sit in my hanging chair, btw This is my room:

After half an hour Mom walked in" Hey girls, I'm going to drive Rose to some friends then do some grocery shopping, and Collin is out, can you guys watch Cosmo?" Mom asks us," Sure," I say," Yeah I love watching him," Emily says," Great thank you ...

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After half an hour Mom walked in" Hey girls, I'm going to drive Rose to some friends then do some grocery shopping, and Collin is out, can you guys watch Cosmo?" Mom asks us," Sure," I say," Yeah I love watching him," Emily says," Great thank you girls you guys are the best!" Mom says, she hugs us both and we walk downstairs, I hug Rose goodbye, and we walk to Cosmo, and play with him, " hey want to take Cosmo out on a walk?" I ask Emily "Yeah," she says," how about you find his carriage and I change him?" I ask Emily "Yeah sound good," she says, I take him to his room and change his diaper, and then take on some clothes like this:

After half an hour Mom walked in" Hey girls, I'm going to drive Rose to some friends then do some grocery shopping, and Collin is out, can you guys watch Cosmo?" Mom asks us," Sure," I say," Yeah I love watching him," Emily says," Great thank you ...

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"Do you like it?" I say to him" Yeah" he says," Yay let's go out!" I play him dawn and we walk to Emily," you guys ready" Emily asks," yeah" I say" What a cutie you are" Emily says as she lifts him in his carriage" wank you" he says, I hardly smelt when he talks he is the cutest. " let's go" we walk out to the playground. I pick Cosmo out of his carriage and play him down and we play with him.

After a while, I can see he gets tired, so I pick him up and play him in his carriage he starts crying so we start to walk and after 5 minutes he is fast asleep " Should we go to Starbucks and buy some iced coffee?" I whisper to Emily," Yeah" She whispers back, we walk around 15 minutes to Starbucks, then we by us an iced coffee, drink it, and talk, then we start to walk home, and now Cosmo has slept about an hour so he should wake up soon, so walk a little faster so we manage to get home before he wakes up so that we can give him milk, she finally come home and Cosmo wakes up and I pick him up, and Emily make milk to him, and I give it to him, then mom walk in" hey girls, how did it go?" Mom asks us," Good we were out, and he had a nap about an hour and 15 minutes, and he did get milk 5 minutes ago," I say to Mom "Then you girls," she says then she hugs us and pick up Cosmo" hey baby did you have fun?" Mom asks him" Yeah!" He says, I and Emily walk up to my room and watch a movie then, Collin shouts that dinner is ready, so we walk down and eat dinner then we walk up again and watch a new movie and end up falling asleep

So what do you guys think? What do you guys want to have in this story? Give me tips!! 🫶🏼


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