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!!Party, alcohol poisoning, emetophobia, Smut! (Recommend skipping chapter if you have panic for any of this)

We walk inside anna's apartment, " so what do you want to do before you leave" Anna ask me to smile. " How about this?" I say as I lean in and take my right hand on her neck and kiss her lips. She kisses me back and takes her hands on my thighs and squeezes them, so I take the hint and jump up, and she welcomes me, she sits me on the kitchen counter.


It's two days later, and yes you guessed right, party day. So right now, I'm packing my stuff, I take my dress and makeup in the bottom of my bag, so my mom or Collin sees it. I walk down to mom and lizzie.

"Hey aunt lizzie" I as I walk to them

"Hey sweetie" She says as she hugs me "Why are you here?" "I'm going to drive you to Anna" "Oh okey, but why?" " calm down with your questions, lizzie is going to drive you because I can't "Mom said, "oh okey, but why?" "Little miss stop with the questions and go "Mom said, "Rude" I say as I roll my eyes, "Next time you roll your eyes you don't have any '' Mom said. Rude. Me and Lizzie walk out and sit down in her car, and we start driving. "Okay I will pick you up tomorrow night" Lizzie said, "Okay" I said back, "Olivia?" Lizzie asked me, "Look at her, "hm?" " Can you promise me something?" Lizzie asked me, "Sure" " Be safe, I know you are going to drink, and no, I'm not going to tell your mom, But I need you to be safe, so don't walk outside drunk, just be with anna and Emily. And take care of each other's" Lizzie said. How the fuck did she know?. "How did you know?" I asked her, "Olivia, I'm not stupid, I was just like you. well, I was just like you are turning out, but just promise me" she said. "Promise" I say as I look out of the window. "Lizzie?" "Hm?" "So, you were drinking at my age?" I asked her, and she rolled her eyes. " Yeah, if you ever tell anybody this, I will kill you." She said, "You just said I should be safe, and now you want to kill me?" "Olivia shut it"

"Bye aunt lizzie love you" I say as I hug her goodbye, I walk to the elevator and walk inside and took it anna's floor, I walk out and to anna's door, I knock on the door and after a few seconds anna open the door, I quickly lean forward and take my arms over her shoulders and kiss her. "Hey baby" anna says cutely, " Hi" I say smiling and kiss her again. We walk inside and lock Anna's door. "When does the party start?" I asked Anna, "In 3 hours, I talked with Emily, she said she will be here in 20 minutes, so do you want to cuddle until she comes?" Anna said. "Oh okey, and Yeah" I said, we walked to Anna's bedroom, and she took off her hoodie so that she is just in bra and shorts, and I took off my hoodie too, so that I'm in bra and jeans. I lay down and lay on top of her and she held around me and massaged my head. I end up falling asleep, and wake up to Emily's laying beside us, and she and Anna are talking. "Hey baby, did you sleep well?" Anna asked me, I was too tired to answer so I just nodded my head. "Emily, in the fridge it's a monster. Can you get it for Olivia so that she isn't that tired?" Anna asked Emily, and Emily nodded and walked to the kitchen. Anna is so sweet, she is always saying or doing something sweet for me.

Emily walks back with my monster and gives it to me, so I sit up and lay my head on Emily's shoulder when she sits down, "thank you" I say to her as I take the Monster. "Okay we have to get everything ready and us ready," Anna said as she stood up. I stand up and walk to the kitchen and start making drinks and hide the expensive drinks. Anna is cleaning the living room and Emily takes her things to the guest bedroom and locks it. "Okay, I think all of the important things are done, so now we need to get ready," I say to Emily and anna. "Yeah, perfect," Anna said. We walked to the bathroom and started putting on makeup. "Can we listen to makeup?" I asked Anna, "Yeah sure" she said and walked out and got on her little speakers. She started it and put on music. After I was done with my makeup I started curling my hair, "Baby, can you help me?" I asked Anna, "Sure," Anna said as she came to me and helped me with curly hair. After she was done, I curled her hair.

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