Im in trouble...

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⚠️emetophobia, also smut, I say when it's start and done⚠️
Lizzie pov
I wake up a little confused, because Olivia is with me but I room remember what happens tonight, and boy she is going to hate today, I think it's best to give her some pain killers since it's her first time, I fell a little bad for her, especially since the last thing she told me.....I've been thinking about to tell Scarlett that she is here, but I feel like I should talk with Olivia first, but Scarlett has all right to know.

Scar 😜
Hey... I need to tell you something

Hey, tell me I don't have the patience, to wait or you to chicken out

I don't chicken out

Yes you do, spit it out

I know where Olivia is

What? Where??

Her with me

What??? Why didn't you tell me sooner, did you lie to me?

What ofc not, I found her 4 in the morning

What? Where, wait to hustle you in a hotel in the city?

Yeah, I wakes up to teens laughing their ass of and called to the ground, so I decided to tell them to be quiet, but the girls stander up quickly and tried, to open the door, and soon I see it's Olivia and Anna, and I take they both into their hotel room, and start to shout at them, and they both was so drunk. I carried Olivia to my hotel room and locked Anna in their hotel room

What??? Are you fricking serious, oh that kid is never going to see sun again

But it's one thing I can't stop thinking about, the last thing Olivia said before she falls asleep

What is it?

She said " sorry, but I've never ever felt so free and happy"

What do you think she meant with that?

Idk I think we should hear her out

And not punish her??

I'm not saying that, but just listen to her


Olivia pov

Fuck didn't know a headache can be so bad, I hold my hands at my head and whimper
" here take this" Lizzie said as she handled me a water bottle and a pain killer, " don't shout" " I'm not shouting, you just sick after the alcohol" she said, it felt like everything in the world was against me now. Anyways I take the pain killers," 3.2.1" Lizzie
whisper and I run to the toilet and throw up, how did she know? Lizzie takes my hair up and holds it up while I throw up the whole world, I finally stop. I hyperventilate," hey, hey, breath with me" Lizzie said as she old around me, and I try to breath with me, and I start to cry because I'm scared to throw up again, after some minutes I start to breath normally and stop crying, " hey are you okey now?" Lizzie asks me, I nod my head," do you have emetophobia?" Lizzie asked me," I have 5 sibling, ofc I have" I say to her.
She stands up and take my hand and help me up, I hold my hands to my head, fuck it hurts, she laughs, "that's for drinking" she said, we walk to her bed, and I lay down the bed and she sit down, "I have talked with your mom" she said, yeah my dead. I can't really read her face, it's seeming mad and disappointed, and worried? Lizzie took a sharp breath" what did you mean last night?" She asked me, " what do you mean?" I asked her, " what do you mean by never been so happy and free" she said, ohh that.... I look at her and sit up, I'm unsure if I say it, but mby they won't be so mad? I hope. " Oh, mm. Well, it's a lot of responsibility being a celebrity's kid, paparazzi everywhere. And when I skated to the city and not thinking about what to wear or just being in the moment, I felt free, and happy, but also mad at mom. But I don't think I felt so free. Like ever. And yeah all I did was so stupid, but in the moment, it felt like the best decision ever, I did know mom was getting mad, but I didn't care, and late the night I decided to meet Anna, and I knew she had alcohol, tough you gays will never new, because I wasn't home, and I was with Anna and I trust her" I said to her, I look at her and her face pressure, was different, it look like she understood me." I know have you feel" she said," you do?" I asked her," yeah remember my sisters, and I felt the same when I was little, but I know also the paparazzi has gotten crazier, so I know it isn't the same. But" she said and when she said but she seems angrier, not a lot but I know what she is going to say, " I don't like you drinking, your 15 years old! And sticking out? Your mom was scared, if it wasn't for that I know you like I do, I could calm her down since I knew you were coming home today, you were right?" She said to me," yeah I was, and I know thank you" I said to her, she smiles, and she realizes," wait?? You know what?" She asked me, she was just a big question mark," when I just had got my keys, I heard you so I hiders behind end the walk, and heard you talking with mom, and. I waited like 10 minutes after hu had taken you elevated bus you very slow walker, so I also hear that conversation, so I knew what she was going to do" said, she start to laugh, and I hold my hands on my head," I steel have a headache" I say to her," omg you were right behind me all the time" she said, "yeah" I say with a small laugh," okey, I'm going down and by something food for us, while I call your mom, don't go anywhere " she said " can I go to Anna?" I asked her," if she Is still here, send her a message now and if she I here, I will follow you there, I do that and anna said yes, so Lizzie followed to MY hotel room, even its next door, but she doesn't trust me, it hurt a little but I 100% understand. I walk int the room and lock the door. "Hey how I everything going?" she asked me, " oh well I told her everything just not the thing we did.." I say to her, "I understand if you don't want to be with me or anything, but I want" she said, I can feel my heart go faster, and I walk up to her, so I stand just a few inches from her." I want" I whisper, she smiles and kiss me, I kiss her back, and we kiss and move our body together, and she put her tongue inside my mound and I suck her tongue then we fights with our toungs, she take her hands on the sides of my belly, and she push me down on the bed, she start kiss my neck and she pull away, " you have Marks" she smiles, " as much as I love, them your family is going to kill me and you" she said, she is right. "I have a concealer in the bathroom" I said to her. I stand up and walk to the bathroom, and put on concealer, it doesn't cover completely But I don't have any other options. Anna turns me over and tell me to jump on the counter, and I did, we started kissing again and she moves forward and push her body to my body, so we are skin to skin, Lizzie knock on the door, God can't she come later? I wat to stay in this moment forever. I hope down and take the last of my things and open the door. " Hey, come to my room, and you can take anna with you" lizzie said smiling, I look at anna with big eyes. God I hope mom and lizzie isn't that mad. We walk to lizzie's room. We all sat down, and Lizzie had bought McDonald for all of us, we started to eat, finally some food, I rolled my eyes up, and lizzie laughed at me." what did mom say?" I ask lizzie, I can feel that I tense my muscles." well she is angry, but she isn't going that hard, and she wat to talk with, without a fight." She said, thank God." okey" I say smiling. We eat up and lizzie started to pack her things," lizzie why are you sleeping in a hotel?" I asked her," well, it was late, and I just had an interview so the I why in new yours, and I'm going to stay at your place a few days "she said," oh okey" I said smiling," lizzie can I follow anna home? You pick me up there, I promise I will have on my location "ask her with puppy eyes," yeah, I know you guys are something, I'm not stupid, and you ca cover up better than that" she said, I start to blush, and lizzie start laugh, " here come here, she says as she picks up her makeup. I walk to her and sheer them up," I won't say anything to your mom, but tell her if you guys are a thing, she will be sad id you don't" she tells me, I hug her and walk with Anna out and we hold hands," shit, the paparazzi" I say," do you want to be a thing?" Anna asks me as we go into the elevator." Yeah" I whisper as I look at her " then fuck it" she says, I kiss her, and I hold her hand, and yeah fuck it, I was really sad when we broke up, but we both were confused by the feelings, so we broke up. But now we are back together, and I'm like one month away to be 16, and yeah I 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 but I don't care, I want this to work. We walk out while holding hands and on the way to her apartment we men ton tree groups with paparazzi, and I didn't was so nervous, since Anna hold my hand tight, and I was just thinking on her. We walk into her apartment, and she lock the door and pick me up and I smile and laugh, she carries me to her bedroom, she try letting me down on her bed, but I hold her tightly so she can't move and I move backwards so we end up in the bed and I start kissing her and she kisses me back and she put her tongue out and I do the same, we make out with our tongues.

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