Chapter Six:Back With A Trio

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"Bodegaman!!!" Mr Gar yells which the six workers walk up to the boss, "Gar, yes, sir!" They all said. "From what we heard from Elodie from the past few days after the attack. Zeus send his troops around the places to search for the red gem" Gar said, looking at the paper that Elodie send him. "Ha! They're very dumb! They have no idea we have it!" Rad said. "Heck yeah!" Pixie said before she and Rad first bump each other. "Yeah, but that also means they're gonna cause trouble TIL they find it" Frankie said, looking at the two. "Agree! Ko, Enid, Rad! You three will patrolling near the danger zone til 5pm" Mr Gar said.

"Sir, yes, sir!!" Rad, Ko, and Enid said, before the trio walk outside. "...I call dibs on Enid's shift" Ice Snow said, walking to the cash register. "This is nice, been a while since the three of us hang out" Rad said, chuckling. "Yeah, it it's just us patrolling til 5..not too bad" Enid said. "Yea! The trio are back together!!" Ko said, jumping and hugging the two which Rad and Enid chuckles and smile. "Hahaha yeah!!!" Rad said, which Enid rolls her eyes. " come on..." She said.

"Still have the amulet safe and sound?" Ko asks. "Yep! Have it at my house. I kept it away with my other magic dangerous crap" Enid said. "Haha! Nice" Rad said. "'re still ok from that battle with Zeus?" Ko asks. "Huh? Oh yeah..most bruises aren't really there anymore..but I'm fine" Enid said. "Gonna say! Nice hit on that wing!" Rad said which Enid chuckles, "Always aim there when it comes to wings, my dude" She said.

"Hey...I think I see someone" Ko said, seeing someone from a mile away. "On it" Enid said, before using her ninja skill to turn into an shadow and went to see who it is...and shortly was Zeus' troops. She returns back to her body, "It's his troops. It's time!" She said. Ko and Rad nodded before getting ready and the trio begins to run. "It's a loving day to attack the plaza! And finally get that amulet gem! Oh hey! It's three heroe-oh cob" a troop said before Ko power punch them in the face.

Soon the battle begins. Enid was power-kicking troops, Ko turns into PKO and attack the troops and Rad was just..lifting troops and making them crash into others. A troop aim at PKO, but Enid kick them down. "Thanks!" PKO said before going back to beating some troops which Enid gives a thumb up. Suddenly the ground shakes which a troop turns into a giant snake monster and roars. "Oh come on!!!" Rad yells before getting whack by the tail and fall to the ground, "I'm ok!!!" He yells. "I'll distract it! Ko! Try to take it down!" Enid said before PKO nodded.

The snake monster begin to attack Enid who turns into a log, before appearing behind the snake and power kick it which the snake monster hisses in pain. The snake was trying to attack Enid, but PKO power slam the monster down HARD which the snake turns back into a troop and groans. "Haha!! That was easy!!" Rad said. "Too easy...." Ko said, turning back to normal. "Yeah..Ko's right...normally...Zeus would be here byyyyy nnnoooooooowwww...we have to head back to the plaza! Now!!" Enid said which the three begin to runs.

When the trio comes back, they see Raymond bandaging Pixie and Frankie's wounds and Vanessa and Carol taking care of Gar. "What happen?!" Ko asks. "It was a distraction....while we were patrolling...Zeus got h-w-where's Ice?!" Enid asks, looking around in panic. " her.....they have the amulet....and he wanna met with you..face to face...near a cliff..." Pixie said, hissing in pain, "Watch it!" She said to Raymond. "Excuse me!!" Raymond said. "I'll meet him...alone..I'm not loosing her..not now..not EVER!..." Enid said, sighing in worried.

Meanwhile, Venomous was struggling and was trying to resist. "Awwwwww! Why let me take over~ it'll be sooooo muccchhhh fun!" Shadowy Figure said, laughing. "If you don't SHUT UP!!!!" Venomous snaps which Shadowy laughs more. "Adorable~ you think I wanna do that?~ just know..I'm getting way or other..HahahahaHAHAHAHAHA..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Shadowy Figure yells which Venomous lay his head on his desk.

(Cliffhanger! Hope you like it. Pixie and Frankie belong to Ra1nSt0rm and yeah. Have fun?

A Crack In A Ninja's Ice(Oc x Canon Character/Ok Ko Fanfic)(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now