Chapter Fourteen:A Battle of Win or Lose Part 3

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(Trigger Warning:You know-Blood, Cussing, trauma-)

Rad lift Ko up and begin to power punch Zeus, but he made a force shield which breaks after Ko's punch. "The amulet is crack..but I'm not sure if we will be enough to break it.." Ice Snow said. "Oh no shit Sherlock!!" Phoenix yells. "Anyone have any suggestions?" Raymond asks. "I am Jethro" Jethro said. "...Yeah no-" Rad said. Suddenly a purple electric strap Zeus which he crash into the wall and groan in pain. "You...ARE GONNA PAY!!!!" Turbo Frankie yells with tears in her eyes. "...I'm out of here" Darrel said before Raymond grabs him, "Yeah no" he said.

Zeus tries to get up, but T. Frankie grabs Zeus and throw him down HARD. "Woah woah! Frankie! Take it easy!" Rad said. "No!..h-HE KILLED MY BOSS!! MY FATHER!!!" T. Frankie yells before charging at Zeus who barely dodges. He blast red waves at her, but T Frankie turns them into a purple electric lasso. She begins to grabs him with the lasso before zapping him and throw him outside. Zeus was hissing in pain. "Frankie stop!...I-I know you're upset!..but t-this isn't a way...none of a way...Killing him..isn't a way" Rad said.

Frankie tears up, before she got blast to the ground. "Frankie!!" Rad said before catching her. "I-I...I'm getting REAL tired!....of THIS!..of this..little...PLAY!.." Zeus said, before getting zapped again which he fall down. Venomous was panting, before falling to his knees and drop his zapping ray. "B-Boss! You're alive!!" Fink and Frankie said before hugging him. "I-I'm ok....a little weak..but...I'm ok..." Venomous weakly said. Zeus tries to get up, but Raymond kick him down. "Wanna do the honor?" Fink asks which Frankie smirks, "Gladly!" She said which Zeus yelps.....butttttt Frankie just grabs the amulet and breaks it. "...oh-I meant by just hurting him-but that works too" Fink said.

" brats!..." Zeus yells, trying to get up, but couldn't. "HA! Take that! You stupid bird man!!" Ice Snow said. "A-ALEXANDER!!" Ramona yells. Venomous turns around for a second to only get tackled hug to the ground by her, "R-Ramona! Are you ok?! Are you hurt?!" Venomous asks. "Course, I'm ok! What about you?! You're the one who got capture! Not me!" Ramona said. "J-Just a few bruises and stab wound..but I'm ok...heh..surprise you even wanna help out..." Venomous said, chuckling. "Alex..sure, you screw up every now and then..but you're MY brother...I'll do anything for you..." Ramona said before they hugs again.

Zeus tries to escape, but Natasha grabs him by the wings. "You guys head back to POINT...the others should be there, healing and Vanessa will take care of him" She said before facing Zeus, "You're gonna buy for what you did" she said which Zeus gulps. "Alright then..Come on..we better get going..." Ko said before the rest begins to walk back to POINT.

(Short chapter Kinda, but it's part 3-come on. Anyways hope you enjoy this. Ramona and Venomous' reunion idea belong to Ra1nSt0rm . Frankie, Ramona, Natasha, and Vanessa belong to them as long)

A Crack In A Ninja's Ice(Oc x Canon Character/Ok Ko Fanfic)(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now