Chapter Twelve:A Battle of Win or Lose Part 1

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(Trigger Warning:Blood, swears, epic battle, and trauma)




Elodie gasp for air before waking up in a room and begin to cough and groan. "Where....where am I?" She asks, trying to move, but her arms were chained up to the ground. "Miss Elodie! About time" Zeus said, landing in front of her and close his wings. "Where am I? am I?...." Elodie asks. "Alive?....used a tank to save your life..never really meant to kill ya..really..all I want is for you to join me" Zeus said. "Y-You're crazy!!! YOU STABBED ME!!!" Elodie yells, before Zeus grabs a dagger and point it at her neck, "I'm not asking...I'm ORDERING you!" He yells ehich Elodie begins to shake, but pushes him away. She tries to summon her arrows and bow, but it didn't work.

"Power proof...made it with this know...I TRIED to help you...I'm trying to think about your side" Zeus said. "BACK OFF!! I am NOT betraying everyone to join you!! You are a SICKO! I am NOT gonna join someone cruel and selfish like YOU!!!" Elodie yells, before Zeus slash her face with the dagger which Elodie yelp and cover her right eye. She pants before reveling a scar on her right eye which was hella bleeding. Zeus begins to kick Elodie down and held the dagger near her neck, "I COULD END YOU RIGHT HERE!!! YOU B*TCH!!!" He yells which Elodie shakes a bit more. Zeus begin to throw Elodie to the ground and left which Elodie was shaking and tears up.

Meanwhile, at POINT. "But I don't wannaaaaa!!!!" Ramona whined. "'re doing it." Natasha said. "Why?!" Ramona asked. "Because, a. This is YOUR BROTHER and B. You have some unfinished business with POINT." Natasha stated. "Bleh! Fine!" Ramona muttered before walking to the rest with Natasha,KO,Gar,Vanessa and Carol. "Took you long enough..wait..Ramona Suarez?" Ember asked. "..Heyyyy.." Ramona said..hiding behind Carol. "So, why are you here? Didn't you drop out in your second year?" Ember snarked. "Well..yes..but this is my brother we are talking about..I'll do anything for him." Ramona said. "Hmm really could have used that when you still went to POINT prep." Ember said. "Stand down Ember. We can take all the help we can get." Foxtail said.

"..Profess..Dr.Greyman.." Ramona said. "Ramona." Dr Greyman said. "Listen..I..I just wanted to...I wanted to tell you..that you inspired me to study in med school.." Ramona said. "You're becoming..a doctor? Oh well that's nice!" Dr Greyman said. "'re not me? For Y'know..dropping out?.." Ramona asked. "I was certainly bitter at first but then I learned to move on..and I can see that you are still a smart young women, no wonder you were one of the best of the best." Dr Greyman said. Ramona looked shocked before slightly smiling. "Thanks Doc.." She said.

"Ookkkk! Now that we have...most people...we need to come out with a plan" Ember said, grabbing a map of the outside hideout. " strategy is having the kids go to the back vent...I heard Dendy mentioning one..while we fight the troops...they can save Ice, Venomous, and Elodie" Ramona said. "And with them saving the kids during the battle.." Natasha said. "No troops will know a thing...not even Zeus will know.." Ember said. "So..what are we waiting for? Let's get too fighting!" Vanessa said. "Haha! That's my sister!!" Gar said. "You're sure..we can do this?.." Ko asks. "It might look tough, kid..but with good thinking and good strategy..we'll win this battle..this war.." Ember said. "It's a go time then" Foxtail said.

Outside of the hideout. The OG POINT aka Aphrodite, Foxtail, Ember, Dr Greyman, Carol, Gar, Vanessa, and Natasha and...everyone is preparing to beat Zeus' ass. "I'm gonna kill my cousin..." Aphrodite mumbles, "Wait..he's your cousin?!" Ko asks. "Unfortunately..but I hate him so..I wanna beat his ass" Aphrodite said. "Guys..he's here.." Ramona said. "Ok go and save the three..we'll be right careful" Carol said. "We will, mommy!" Ko said. "Let's get going" Raymond said before the Box Robots siblings + the Bodega kids, Fink, Phoenix, and Sparko begins to run. "So..the OG POINTS members...and Aphrodite..." Zeus said, glaring and showing up with his troops. "I would say I'm surprise..but knowing you..I'm not...just give us the amulet and we can go unharmed" Aphrodite said which Zeus laughs and begins to summon a giant sword, "You should know....I'm NEVER easy to quit" He said before charging.

Meanwhile Fink breaks the vent open before crawling in. "Ugh! Do we have to go in there?! It's so disgusting! So dirty!" Raymond said. "Welp! Suck it up, robot! Now get your robot ass in there!!" Phoenix said, before kicking Raymond in the vent before Pixie slap her in the head. "Guys..we don't have time to fight!" Enid said. "We do, but you don't wanna waste it" Frankie said as they all crawl through the vents. "We're nearby someone...I can't tell who..." Fink said. "Must be one of them..." Rad said which Ko nodded and they all keep crawling.

Meanwhile the battle was going and Ember was blasting fireballs at the troops and Natasha was blasting ice. "Look out!!" Ember yells, before gets behind Natasha and blast troops into ashes. "Ha. Didn't know you care!" Natasha said. "Shut up...I don't care..I just don't want your child to loose one of her mothers.." Ember said before run to burn some troops. The OG POINTS plus Ramona and Aphrodite were doing great beating the troops. Zeus was behind Foxtail, smirking before getting tackled down by Aphrodite, "GET OFF!!!!" Zeus yells. "STAY AWAY FROM MY FOXTAIL!!!" Aphrodite yells, before the two fight each other.

"What are you doing?!" Zeus asks. "Standing up to you!! You were put away for a reason! And I'm NOT gonna let you WIN!!!!" Aphrodite yells, shooting an arrow from her bow, but Zeus dodges it before the two keep fighting. "UGH!!!! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A COWARD?! ALWAYS THINKING OF YOURSELF!!! THAT WHY NO ONE WILL NEVER LOVE YOU!!!!!" Zeus yells, before using his sword to slash Aphrodite's stomach which she Yelp and fall to her knees. Zeus begin to stab her in the left eye which Aphrodite screams in pain. "Aphrodite?..." Foxtail asks, hearing a scream.

Aphrodite tries to gets up, but Zeus stabs her back, her arm, her legs..just ANYWHERE. "Stop!...STOP STOP STOP!!!!" Aphrodite begs, shaking and tearing up. "Say goodbye..." Zeus said.


Drip...drip...of blood....

A few drips of blood fell down....the scene shows Foxtail's tails got cut off and fall to the ground. Foxtail's hands were holding Zeus' wings before throwing him into the ground, breaking the sword and panting. "F-F-Foxy?....." Aphrodite asks, shaking up and covering her eye. "Hey's're ok...I'm here, Aphro...I'm here...." Foxtail said, holding her close and rubbing her head gently. Zeus tries before hearing something in his hideout before secretly fly out of the battle.

(End of Part one. Hope you enjoy this angst. Ramon's returning is Ra1nSt0rm idea and Ramona, Frankie, Natasha, Vanessa, Pixie, and Aphrodite belong to them

See ya in part two)

A Crack In A Ninja's Ice(Oc x Canon Character/Ok Ko Fanfic)(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now