They're devils pt. 2

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?: Hello. Can you guess who I am? I'll give you a clue. I'm dead but I'm beautiful and I have blonde hair.

It's me Shillia... I'm the girl who was unfairly murdered!

??: We were all unfairly murdered.

???: Yeah.


?????: Today's not about just you though. Readers, do you recognize this list?

Shillia: Eliminated
Lillian: Eliminated
Lesley: Eliminated
Nori: Eliminated
Yume: Eliminated
Mahō: Eliminated
Saki: Eliminated
Tako: Eliminated
Tsuki: Eliminated
Dena: Eliminated
Boca: Eliminated

Shillia: That bitches kill list. Oh FUCK her! What she gotta do with this?

???????????: Fortunately she has nothing to do with us today.

????????: Oh! You're out of jail?

???????????: Obviously not, can't you see my orange jumper?

?????: I feel terrible! Blaming Midoriya for my death when he was really innocent!

??????: Anyway, today the viewer gets to rate us rivals- not including Jiro- nor Kaminari.

Shillia: If they don't pick me, this thing is rigged.

Okay readers! Time to rate your favorite victim! Here are their statements.

Shillia- I'm a hottie! So if you don't pick me you're ugly!

Lillian- I don't wish to be rated by you but I wish to be respected.

Lesley- I hate URARAKA!!! But I also hate Endeavor...

Nori- I'm not likable in anyway.

Yume- I can bake you the best treats!

Mahō- Want to praise the darkness with me? Please accept my request and offering of a black heart.

Saki- Unfortunately Saki cannot make a statement or you-know-who will flip

Tako- I'm alive!

Tsuki- I just want to go back to UA...

Dena- Rate me and I'll give you a special reward~ how would you like to see my-

Boca- Let's work together to stop Uraraka until she can burn for the rest of eternity when she passes!

RATE ALL OF THE RIVALS! Who do you guys think is the best one?

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