Love is... wait, what? - Part 3

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"Well, I shall take my leave as well. Are you going to go to the party?" Amphion asked while addressing Ingrid.

"Yeah, I may. Eleri has booked the rooms. Well, that wouldn't prevent me from not coming, not under normal circumstances, but this is Eleri we're talking about, I don't want her to get angry at me." Ingrid answered.

"Understood... see you, then." Amphion started walking towards the defensive wing. Amphion and Ingrid, unlike Eleri, don't like chit-chatting. They're just as cold as usual, they tend to focus on their duties rather than asking each other how they've been. It's not like they've never talked to each other. However, Ingrid's knowledge has clashed with Amphion's ignorance on more than one occassion. Ingrid values strength, knowledge and competition, whereas Amphion... values almost nothing. He was moved by a sense of justice, but then he realized there's no wrong or right, so he only thinks about not becoming a hypocrite. At least, when it comes to battle, they always have each other's back: Ingrid respects his will to give a hand and recognizes his battle prowess as well; on the other hand, Amphion thinks that under Ingrid's arrogance actually lies a low self-esteem. Well, he's wrong. Ingrid is just way too ambitious, she doesn't see her "trophies" as big achievements, even though she's actually worked hard to obtain them. She herself knows that with this attitude of hers she will never find true happiness. Putting this aside, Ingrid's resistance, will and even body frightens Amphion. Even though he has black blood, he thinks Ingrid would just overwhelm him with her longsword, if they were to fight, that is. Amphion reached the royal room, but he didn't find Acrisius.

"He must be in the balcony, as usual." He thought. He put the pile of reports on Acrisius' bed, and then went on the balcony. Just as expected, Acrisius was there, looking towards the horizon, his long and black hair was blowing back along with his grey scarf. He had a relaxed look on his face: the blowing wind always had this effect on him.

"Pardon me, leader. I've delivered the reports." Amphion said. Acrisius turned towards him and said:

"Just because you're the vice-commander now, you don't need to call me leader... at least not on times like this. I've already told you this the first time we met, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did. That is true."

"Anyway, thank you for the reports. I'll take care of the rest. Well done, Amphion. You can leave now." Acrisius' words always sound cold, but he actually has no intention to sound rude. Well, at least not with those whom he finds fun to be around. Just like his daughter, he doesn't like chit-chatting, especially not during his relaxing moment.

"Actually, Acrisius, there's something I have to ask you." Amphion said.

"What is it?" Acrisius asked while raising an eyebrow.

"The recruits are organizing a party. Even if I'm not a recruit anymore, I've been invited as well. I was wondering if I could join them." After these words, Acrisius stared at Amphion and smirked:

"Why are you even asking? It's not like I'm your father."

"No, you are not. But you're my leader, and since this party will take place on Higar island, I'm going to be out of Yark's reach for awhile. That's why I'm asking."

"Well, that is indeed pretty far. However, one day out won't do any harm. You're free to go, It's not like we're going to start another war in one day."

"Understood, Acrisius. Thanks." 

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