Love is... wait, what? - Part 12

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"I don't know." Ingrid answered. The room went silent yet another time.

"I thought you hated me." Amphion said.

"I don't." Ingrid answered. She lowered her head. Then started looking at Amphion again.

"Is this what you think of me?" She asked.

"No. I mean, I wasn't talking about real hatred. But I definitely did not saw that coming either." He answered.

"Neither did I." And then they stopped. Ingrid scratched the left side of her head.

"I liked it. Not only that moment. This whole night... I enjoyed your company." She then said.

"I enjoyed it, too." Amphion answered.

"Yeah... I noticed that." Ingrid thought about Amphion's actions right after she had kissed him. Amphion figured out what she was talking about. He apologized:

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I said I liked it."

"Right." Then, what was the problem, exactly? They both liked it, true, but they felt something else as well. The feeling which was making them stutter. Let me get this straight, my dear reader, they do have feelings for each other. But, as I've already stated, they don't even know what they are or that they're there at all. They're both discovering things.

"We both liked it. That's it, right? No deeper things. We could do that again... and then get back to our lives." Ingrid said, looking away and resting her arms on the pool's border.

"Is that what you want?" Amphion asked, quickly turning towards Ingrid. His reaction was way too fast. His tone had changed a bit as well. He sounded... concerned. A rare sight, indeed, when it comes to Amphion. Ingrid understood what he meant. She sighed and started walking towards him, the water only covering her up to her waist.

"No, that is not what I want. I liked kissing you. You are not what I expected for me. Not even close. You are not cultured. You have no ambition. Yet I liked your company. The way you got me away from the party... it made me feel like I hadn't been the only one who has spent her life on her own. I want to know you. More than I already do. I want to know mores shades of you." Ingrid went next to Amphion. Their faces were close, again. They were staring at each other, again.

"Even the most horrific one?" Amphion asked.

"I do." Ingrid answered. Amphion reached for Ingrid's chin with his left hand, he pulled her face even closer to him. Then, he used his right hand to move the locks of hair covering his eyes away.

"Telling you the story of my life is pointless. I just want you to know that, if this keeps on, you might see these each time we're close like we are now." Amphion said. He was staring at Ingrid, right into her eyes. Ingrid was staring at his eyes too. Those red, inhuman eyes. She had never seen them this clearly. No one ever had. Amphion grew concerned, seeing something coming, something he wouldn't have digged:

"Are you..."

"I'm not scared. I like them." 

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