Chapter 23

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“Are they fighting again?”

“Third time this week.” Maddi answers.

“You know Mira and Mason are the kind of couple to get 5 divorces and still be happily married.”

“Yeah.” she gave out a chuckle. Evan clapped his hands,“Okay you two lovebirds enough eating each other, let’s get some actual lunch.” They waited in line. 

“Can you believe today’s the last day for us?”

Maddi smiled, “It seems like yesterday Mira and Evan were fighting over something that they still haven’t told me about.”

“Ha! Mason, you're going to be stuck by yourself.”


“So Mira, how was that event you were talking about at work?” Evan started.

“You were right, I was worrying for nothing.” 

He gave a confident smile.

Mason overhearing them spoke. “Wait what event?”

“College.”  They ate during the period in silence. Evan, noticing the sudden tension, elbowed Maddi to ask what was wrong but she shrugged her shoulders. After school ended Mira went to work and Evan came a few hours later. Evan mopped while Mira filled the napkin dispensers.  Mira slipped on her shoelace and fell in a compromising position with Evan. The position reminded her of when he first got hired. He caught her then and he’s still catching her now.


“Huh?” They both look up then Evan gently lets go of Mira.

“I came here to visit but everything seems clear now.”

“No, wait!” Mira ran after him.

“Mason, wait!”

“He’s my friend!”

“He’s just my best friend!”

“Why should I trust you?” He asked.
“What? Are you crazy? We’ve been dating for only a month!” He spoke, waving his hands. She walked closer.“You know what if you still can’t trust me,” she tapped her finger on his chest,” then I think we need to take a break!”
“For crying out loud, go figure yourself out cause I’m done.”
“Fine!” He spoke.

“So how did everything go? I heard a lot of screaming.”
She gave her biggest smile.“We’re on a break.”
“Are you okay?”
“Honestly no, but graduation is next week and I can’t be bothered anymore.” She combed her hair with her fingers. The diner gets  busy and by the time Mira gets home she collapses on the couch out of exhaustion.

Laying on her bed wishing for sleep she hears a knocking on the door.
“What are you doing here?”
“I figured since this is your first break up you’ll need proper supplies…”
“So ice cream?” She smiled,“let’s go to Narnia.”
“No need to pent it all up!
“I’m fine.”
“Come on Mira let it all out.”
She takes out her spoon,“It’s just not fair!”
“I mean I knew it had to end but why this soon?” She leaned on him and he rubbed her back.
“That’s it, just let it all out.” 
“Why can’t I have one moment of happiness?” Hot tears fell down her cheeks.
“I know, I know.” He spoke softly, wiping her tears away.

Evan came over everyday until graduation. The morning prior the class practiced the ceremony but it still wasn’t enough for Mira. Despite her great looks the inside was beejumbled mess. This was it. The next step towards her future as queen. All her ladies in waiting were invited; they were watching their future queen. While all her classmates were being called she reflected on the year she experienced.   The moment passed, her name was called and she walked on stage. In that moment she wished her mom was there - her real mom that is. They threw their hats and the ceremony was over.  Her eyes searched for hat when she saw a familiar face.
“You still came after everything?”
He shrugged,“I made a promise I had to keep.”
“What are you doing here? Evan swooped in front of Mira.

“I just came to say congratulations.”
Mira pushed Evan and walked away.
“Tomorrow stop by, let's talk.”
“C’mon Evan, everyone’s meeting up at dinner and I need a ride.
“Don’t be so mad.”
“Mira you're giving him another chance, how can I not be mad?”
“I mean what’s even the point of breaking up if you're just going back?”
“Technically we are on a break.”
“That’s not the point!”
“Who’s to say I’m going back?”
“Wait what?”
“You're not?”
“I don’t think so.”
The ride was quiet after the response both wanting to process what had just happened.
Maddi waved them over to the booth she was sitting at. “Man, we did it!”

“Yeah, I’m excited.”
They sat down and ordered food
“Gah! The things I finally will be able to do!” She gave a big smile.
“Evan, Mira we are entering a new chapter of our lives! I’m so excited!”
“We should get dessert.”
“Mira are you okay?”
“I’m fine, I’m going to get myself cake, anyone?”
They stayed there until closing, promising to see each other again. Maddi went straight to bed but Mira stayed awake.  There was so much happening it was hard to take it all at once. She thought about her childhood, what would have the little princess have thought about the girl she is becoming now?  As sleep was taking over she had a phone call, “Docter?”
“I’m sorry to be calling in so late but your mother has overdosed.”



“I think it would be best if you and your sister would come here to talk about it.”

“Alright we’re on our way.”

“Maddi! Maddi get up!”


“We need to go to the hospital! She overdosed again!”


“Here put these on and let’s go!”

“I’m sorry, she doesn’t have much time.”

“Can I please just see her one last time.”

“Go I’ll wait out the door.”

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a nurse come out after Maddi entered with flaming red hair.

Could it be?

No. Her attention turned to her sister’s screaming,“HELP! I NEED A NURSE!!” 

“Maddi what’s wrong?” Everyone rushed in to help.

“Her heart… it stopped.” She sobbed, Mira pulled her into a hug. She whispered words of comfort for a few minutes. “Docter?” She shook her head,“I’m sorry for your loss.”

Maddi sobs grew louder screaming “No! Noo! No.”   They sat there comforting each other until Miira spoke.

“Maddi, I'm going to leave you alone for just a minute. I want to see our mother.” 

“Okay.” She sniffed.

She entered the room, it looked cold and sterilized with boring white walls. Mira stopped there she was, lying on a steel table covered with a sheet of cloth. She lifted the cloth, her face looked pale and everything about her screamed death.  Mira couldn’t cry; she just felt numb. Then a piece of paper fell, little did she know what she would read would change her. 

“See what I can do princess  - Uncle Edmir"

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