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"It's very nice to finally meet you!" Gale smiled at the taller, older male standing in front of her.

"You too, Mrs. Martins." The man mumbled softly, barely loud enough for Gale to hear him. His attitude matched his appearance, dark and mysterious.

"I love your accent, where are you from?" Gale asked the man

"No time for ice breakers. We need to get down to business." the man sighed. He sat down in the chair across from Gale.

"Now, I'm aware that you want more soldiers in Slovenia's military. Is there any particular reason as to why?" The man asked as he took a sip of his rich black coffee. It smelled bitter, and Gale imagined it tasted bitter too.

"I just want to protect a few friends from my old coworker. He's threatening that he'll be back and hurt them." Gale admitted. The man scratched his chin.

"Really? And who do these friends happen to be?" The man questioned

"Their names are Filip, Zala, Gašper, Mark, and Žiga. They're all members of a band called Last Pizza Slice..." Gale trembled.

"Mhm." The man nodded while taking another sip of his coffee. "Do you happen to know where in Slovenia they are located?"

"Celje." Gale responded.

"I see." The man responded. "And what is it exactly that you're afraid of?"

"Well my old coworker tried to hurt them a few months back. He almost succeeded in taking their entire country. I... I was a part of the operation, but I felt uneasy... So I quit. I saved the band members as they saved Slovenia." Gale admitted.

"We will try our best, ma'am." The man replied after a moment's worth of silence.

"Thank you." Gale sighed of relief. The man took one final sip of his coffee and set the empty mug on the countertop.

"Remember, ma'am. I'm not sure if anything will be able to send people. We'll let you know what we can do." The man replied.

"Just try your best, please." Gale sighed. The man stood up from the chair and walked towards the door. As he began to open it, he turned to face Gale.

"Have a good day, Mrs. Martins." He said and left before Gale could say it back.

Gale plopped down on the couch and sighed. She knew that she tried her hardest to keep the members of LPS safe from Sherman, and she knew that Sherman was in prison for a long time, but even knowing that, she was still terrified. What if he were to escape prison?

She shuddered at the thought of Sherman coming back. She knew that he'd kill her before he got to the members. She didn't care, though. After all, she was half of the reason that they were being hunted in the first place.

She couldn't help but think about her sister, Julia. She gave herself to save them, and Gale couldn't save her. She knew that all she had left of Julia was the band.

"O, Julia! I promise I will make you proud. I will keep LPS protected. I promise!" Gale sobbed. It was at that moment when her phone began to ring. She picked it up to answer it, but the contact made her drop her phone.

Sherman Francis

She began to pace back and forth as she now knew that Sherman was back. She knew that he wanted his revenge on her, but that wasn't the part that scared her... He wanted his revenge on LPS as well! She decided to woman up and answer the call.

"H-hello?" She trembled.

"Hello, Gale. How are you?" Sherman asked, almost sounding sincere.

"I'm... Good, how are you-" Gale was cut off before she could finish.

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