10, Fate Can't Lose... Can It?

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The plane ride was long and uneventful. Zala looked out the window the entire time. She couldn't help but imagine Gašper sitting there next to her. All she wanted to do was feel his hand on hers. She just wanted to lean her head on his shoulder and fall asleep. She wanted to hold him so bad... But she couldn't.

"Zala...." Came a voice from outside the plane window. Zala turned her head and saw nothing there. She could recognize the voice anywhere...

"Gašper?...." She mumbled out loud.

"Zala.... I'll be back..." She heard the voice again. Zala began to breathe heavily. She started to quiver. Soon, she was crying. She wanted Gašper's embrace. She didn't want to pretend he was here. She wanted him here.

"Zala, are you going to be okay?" Filip asked.

"We need to avenge Gašper.... We can't stop until Sherman is dead!" Zala quivered.

"Zala, no! We can't kill him! That makes us equally as bad." Žiga sighed.

"I don't care! Gašper meant everything to me! He meant everything to us! Sherman took him from us! Sherman took him from this world!" Zala cried out. "I'll kill Sherman with my bare hands if i have to!"

No one could say anything. No one wanted to. No one could argue with Zala. She had her mind set on killing Sherman. She wanted to do it for Gašper.

"Hey. The plane's landing." Mark pointed out. Everyone began to unload their things from the plane, and exit the airport. Now all they had to do now was find a way to get to Askas.

"How will we get to Cyprus?" Žiga asked.

"Don't worry. I called a friend I know. He said he'd be happy to give us a ride to Cyprus by boat." Filip replied.

"Okay... but how will we get to the coast? We're in Ankara, there's no coast here." Zala asked.

"I mean we can get a rental car." Mark shrugged.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Žiga sighed. Everyone made their way to the car dealership where they would get a rental car. When they got there, they paid for the rental car, got in, and drove off to where Filip's friend had a ferry to get them to Askas.

Zala couldn't help but look out the window. She looked up at the sky, wondering what would happen when they arrive home. No, if they arrive home. With Gašper gone, no one knew what would happen. What would Osker think? Zala couldn't bear to imagine. She couldn't think back to the day they played House with Astrid and Osker. The way Gašper had talked to Osker that night, promising they'd make it to the end. They'd save Joker Out, and all of them would come back alive.... Not Gašper. No. Gašper couldn't. A tear fell down Zala's face as she continued to stare out the window.

As she gazed out at the passing trees, she noticed someone in a car driving beside them.. he looked familiar. He looked like...

"Jure?" Zala blurted out loud. The others jumped a little as she spoke. Zala pointed outside to the car driving next to them. Filip looked out the window to see the car.

"That... That has to be Jure! There's no way it's not!" Filip gasped.

"Well if it's actually Jure, he'd see us." Mark sighed.

"I don't think so. He's driving, Mark." Žiga chuckled slightly. Zala looked out the window again at the man everyone thought was Jure. He looked distraught. Like he knew about something. Maybe he found out about what happened to Gašper. No, he couldn't know. Who could've told him?

In a matter of time, they arrived at the dock where the ferry waited for them. They left the car. Immediately, they heard a call from someone. He had a raspy voice, but everyone recognized it.

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