Epilogue, Carpe Diem

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Zala rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't just seeing things from inside her head. No. That can't be right. She heard him too. When she opened her eyes again, he was still there!

"GAŠPER!!" Zala bawled while running for his embrace. When she made it to his arms, she jumped into them, almost knocking Gašper off his feet.

"I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!" Zala wept. Gašper chuckled a little.

"I told you. I wasn't going anywhere." Gašper smiled, stroking Zala's hair from her face. The others came running shortly after.

"Geps!!!!" They cried and ran for him, everyone was engulfed into a group hug.

"How??? How are you... How are you alive?" Filip gasped, catching his breath from running.

"Well, it's kind of a long story." Gašper chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Adam and Jure saved me."

Everyone gasped.

"Wasn't Adam the one who killed you?" Zala asked.

"Well, yeah. What happened was when you all rushed downstairs to the basement of the house with Pia, Jure had just arrived with the same stuff that saved Filip last time. Adam helped him by bringing him to Austria, and well... Here we are." Gašper smiled.

"Wait. If Adam saved you, why did he kill you in the first place?" Žiga asked

"He says he was being watched by Sherman." Gašper responded.

"Oh my God." Zala gasped.

"I know. It's heroic, isn't it." Gašper joked. Zala chuckled. She of all people missed his jokes.

"Well... Is this it? Sherman's dead now. Does that mean we won... For good?" Mark asked.

"I... I think so!" Žiga began to cheer.

"YESSS WE'RE AWESOME!!" Gašper cheered as he performed his victory dance.

"Oh, Gašper. You're adorable, but I love you for it!" Zala giggled. Gašper began to blush.

"You love me?" Gašper asked.

"I can't believe it's taken you this long to notice. Of course I do!" Zala smiled. That's when Gašper pulled her close to him. As the two began glaring into each other's eyes, they leaned in, and their lips touched. Everyone else stood there as the two lovers kissed.

"I was hoping that they would confess soon." Mark chuckled.

"So were all of us. Trust me." Filip chuckled. When Zala and Gašper were done with their love fest,  they ran to hug everyone else.

Things were only looking up from here...


Osker began to pace back and forth across his bedroom. He heard about their encounter with Sherman. He heard some of the things the adults were talking about downstairs. They had all heard the news on TV.

"We can't tell Osker. He'll be crushed!" Martha trembled.

"He has to know." Ulrikke quivered.

"Who's going to tell him them? I don't feel comfortable telling a seven year old that the good guys don't always win!" Martha responded.

"We don't know that they didn't win! All we know is that Gašper... Just won't win with them." Ulrikke sighed with tears in her eyes.

"Osker? What are you doing?" Astrid asked.

"Did something happen to Gašper?" Osker trembled.

"I'm not sure... Whatever happened, it's probably for the best." Astrid trembled.

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