04, Til Evig Did (Forever And Ever)

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Sherman gasped as he heard Jure say that. He walked closer to Jure, getting in his face.

"What are you implying?" Sherman asked with a low tone.

"I mean I will tell you where they are if you put the gun away." Jure said. Sherman dropped the gun, and Jure was able to talk.

"So? Where are they?" Sherman asked. Jure grabbed his phone and looked at the location of LPS, and looked back up at Sherman.

"They're in Amsterdam. Their flight to Norway got delayed.." Jure responded. Sherman scratched his chin.

"You know, you just did me a massive favor. I will let you live... For now." Sherman smiled evily and left, forgetting to grab Jure's phone from him before leaving. When Sherman was out of sight, Jure called Filip, praying for an answer. He got Filip's voicemail.

"Damnit!" He muttered. He figured he'd just leave him a message.

"Guys. Sherman's looking for you! He thinks you guys are in Amsterdam and that your flight to Norway got delayed... I had to make up a logical location so that I didn't get killed. Stay safe guys.."


After an hour of going through security, as well as another half hour of waiting, the LPS members were finally able to board their flight. Mark and Gašper sighed in relief that Sherman didn't attack them this time.

They all boarded the plane safely. Gašper couldn't help but think back to last night. Zala, the girl that he loved the most, was sleeping on his lap this morning! Gašper couldn't comprehend the feeling. Did she love him back? He couldn't help but blush at the thought of it.

"Geps? Are you alright?" Mark asked, startling Gašper.

"Who, me?" Gašper asked.

"Who else on this plane has the nickname Geps? Yes I'm talking to you." Mark chuckled in a sassy way.

"Yeah I'm alright. Just thinking." Gašper shrugged.

"Thinking about Z a l a?" Mark whispered. Gašper went red.

"Oh shut up." He muttered while burying his face into his jacket. Mark only laughed.

"You know I'm right." He whispered.

"Just... Just drop it." Gašper stammered. Mark couldn't think of a comeback, so he dropped the subject.

Pretty soon, the flight landed in Oslo, Norway. Everyone was relieved that nothing happened on the flight. They grabbed their baggage and left the plane. None of the members were prepared for the restless wind and ruthless weather that was outside. They should've been, however.

"Since when did it get so cold?" Mark shivered.

"We're in Norway. Of course it's going to be colder up here than it is in Slovenia." Filip reminded Mark.

"Oh, right." Mark chuckled.

The five continued to walk shivering in the cold trying to get to their destination.

"Are we almost there?" Gašper shivered.

"I'm not sure. Lemme pull out my phone." Žiga quivered in the cold.

"Guys. Someone's pulling over." Zala pointed out. She was right. Someone was pulling over.

"Hey! Need a ride?" Someone called from inside the car. Everyone looked over in the direction of the voice and the car. Žiga noticed the people in the car. When he realized who was in the car, he grew very excited.

"Guys! The people in the car! It's KEiiNO!" Žiga exclaimed excitedly. He began to walk towards the car.

"Žiga, no! We don't know if they're on our side. They could be working with Sherman!" Filip cried.

Lost Protecting Slovenia: The Joke's On YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang